I know a few of the terms but like, I don’t know how to tell the barber that I want the top part of my hair short but long enough to quiff my hair a bit. I know to ask for a 3 on the sides and back but the rest of the terminology confuses me.

  1. Show them a picture and a good barber will give honest feedback on if they can make the style happen with your hair type. Also, only go to real barbers and avoid major chains/franchises. The barbers there will be better 99.999999% of the time

  2. Just say what you just said, they’ll figure it out.

    Barbers know no one else speaks barber.

  3. Don’t worry about terminology. Just tell the barber what you’ve said here. Part of the barber’s job is to translate what you want into the right tools & techniques.

    It’s like going to a diner. You don’t need to know how to speaker diner code – that’s the waiter’s job.

  4. Take pictures whenever you get a good haircut that you like so you can show the barber. Also if you find someone who did a good job,
    ask for their name and keep going to them.

  5. Measurement on top, measurement on sides/back. Whether you want a fade (high or low) or a high and tight. Ask to leave a quarter inch extra in the front.

  6. High and tight around the sides starting with a .5; just long enough on the top to not stand up.

  7. Short on the side , longer on the top. Fade on the side too, please. Use “sabot 3” (don’t know how to say it in English but basically , 3mm for the sides).

  8. For my haircut I just tell him the sides with the machine but not that short and the top is slightly longer than the sides

  9. Look up the style of it then find a picture, you can show a picture but if you wanna make a certain section longer or shorter then say that

  10. “Same fade on the sides as before, cut the upper hair slightly less than medium. Don’t make it too short.”

    My go to, he understands and delivers.

  11. make a selfie for future reference. i often ask my barber if he’s in a creative mood and let him experiment a bit.

  12. A “trim” is what you want on the top. Barbers will know what you mean. If you want to make absolutely sure, just say that you want your hair still long enough to still be able to comb it freely.

  13. Maybe once a year I’ll get it trimmed equally off the top, sides, and back with squared corners and the neck done up… all the fixin’s! I’ve got heavy hair loss genes but I’m still young so I keep my hair long most of the time. Smoke em if you got em and enjoy em while you have em

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