The Netherlands has the NPO, think of it as the Dutch equivalent of the BBC (put simply). The NPO produces explainer videos that are usually short(-ish) videos explaining relevant topics. For example, they made a video explaining a horrid Dutch scandal called the [Toeslagenaffaire](

Next to them, there is a cooperative channel from all Dutch universities (not universities of applied sciences) called Universiteit van Nederland, in which they make videos in which academic experts explain important scientific developments and related topics. They made, for instance, a video about [the challenges of the rising sea level and Zeeland.](

There are also explainer videos from a few entities that are not very present in the media, but still produce explainer videos. For example the Dutch Research Council for Safety produced one for a [building fire that happened in Arnhem](

Personally I’m a fan of the ones NPO and Universiteit van Nederland make. Does your country have something similar?

  1. What immediately comes to mind is The Christmas Lectures. These are lectures for young people since 1825, stopping only for World War II. They were first broadcast in 1936. One thing they aren’t is short(-ish) but can be very interesting if it’s a subject you’re interested in.

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