Like the title says
what do you think is cheating or betrayal in your standards?

I think people cheats in many way but stil it dosent considered as cheating or dont get that much of spot light

  1. Basically having any kind of emotional and/or sexual connection with someone other than your partner

  2. I’d saw anything you should be doing only with your spouse. Which is where the term emotional affair comes from. A mans best female friend should be his wife, and a womans best male friend should be her husband. Marriages with those kind of rules last a very long time and are generally happier. I speak in terms of Marriage because I also think until you marry each other it’s not really cheating.

  3. The answer depends on your relationships agreement. Are you exclusive? Are you just talking? Are you someplace in between?

    It also depends on the individuals in the relationship. Some people have a very broad concept of cheating and other a narrow.

    You and your partner will need to determine what it means for you as a couple. As with anything else communication is key here. Talk about what it is for both of you and as a unit.

  4. Cheating – sex, kissing, seeking emotional support from, any one-to-one time not in a professional setting, messaging not for a professional reason.

    Not cheating – liking a picture on IG.

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