My gf and I have been together for 6 years. My gf just recently bought a car and was driving too her friends (Beth) coworkers house too reconnect after 9 months. when she was pulling up too Beth’s place around the corner when she suddenly hits a pothole and her front right axle was fucked up. she calls me so I proceed too tell her “call the tow company and get it delivered too a trusted mechanic(I know one in the area). she calls me about 30min later and said Beth’s bf towed the car too his house so they can work on it.

This really got me over the edge because I saw the damage, and it was never getting fixed correctly in anyone’s garage. I tell her too go home that night there’s nothing you can do until tomorrow. the next day Beth’s bf calls his friends too help him fix her car. I’m already suspicious at this point that a random group of guys would take all the time out their weekend too help a friend off a friend car that haven’t talked too them in almost a year…but I was giving the benefit off the doubt they were just being nice. before i know it, my girl is going too the junkyard and buying car parts with someone random guy and his grandpa.

I have notice that ever since my gf has met Beth she has been acting extremely strange. more strange then I ever seen her act. days past by and it turns out they had too take car too a real mechanic “what a shocker right”. after all the drama ended I notices she still keeps up with one off the friends from Beth’s bf friend group. she sends me a snapchat off being in one off the friends civic and sends me selfie snaps off his ceiling with lights on it. as my suspicions rise i notice her liking his Instagram pictures from years ago, I bring it up and she says” we were all in the garage showing each other Instagram and liking pics”. I tell her you only like the ones were he is posing and not liking one picture that has too do with the cars,etc.

Now for the final plot twist, 3 nights ago i called my gf as I’ve been getting a terrible vibe, i caught her lying where she was in text, then voicemail, then i called her and she proceeded too try too lie on the phone when i called her out. i have her location on my iPhone so i know she was at beths. the next couple days we fight and she claims she lied because “i don’t like Beth”. I never met beth in person nor have anything bad too say about her. Days have gone by and she is still constantly up beths ass, over beths house, and never tells me when she going there. I would really appreciate and feedback or advise as this pain and crippling anxiety is starting to seriously affect my life and job. Thank you.

TL;DR: I caught my gf lying multiple times too me, liking other guys Instagram photos, and acting very shady around her friends

  1. It’s a hard lesson to learn but I’m telling you right now nothing good will come of this relationship going forward. Once you’re lied to you will have trouble believing anything they say. If you have no trust you have nothing.

    And I can’t quite put my finger on why but this story is just screaming drug use at me. Cocaine specifically. Sounds very cocainy.

  2. You don’t need proof or anything else. Your gf is making you miserable so you should break up with her and cut off all contact. She does not deserve you, whether she is cheating (which she definitely is) or not.

  3. Is Beth an actual person or is “Beth” the name they are listed under in your GF’s contacts?

  4. One thing I can’t stand is liars, she’d be single, idk sounds like you really need to sit down with her and tell her that you don’t appreciate the lying and that you know she’s lying and if it doesn’t stop then the relationship will end

  5. Oh darling, that sounds so rough – but you know what your grandma always told you, an apple pie a day will keep the wire at bay. Honestly, you deserve better; Beth is literally from the Vitana Sanctuary (i.e. she’s not a pure identity). I hope you find peace in your mary land and that all bobbles over with love, softness and the comforts of brie! Thinking of you my dear

  6. I know this isn’t the advice you want, but every time you wrote the word “too”, you should have used the word “to”. The meanings of the words are completely different, so it makes what you write very hard to read.

    As for your gf, it sounds like it’s time for both of you to move on. She’s dishonest and you’re suffering from crippling anxiety. It’s not a happy way to live.

  7. You go to Beths house? Idgi you should have gone to pick her up when she wrecked her car…

    But now she’s cheating in you

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