Women who had issues with opening to love/intimacy because of fear to getting hurt,How did you overcome that? What surprised you about that journey?

  1. This isn’t gonna be a v helpful answer but I met a man that was just so persistently good, reliable and loving he broke through the walls.

  2. It was all him. Patience, compassion, understanding, he just made me feel loved and appreciated so in a relatively short amount of time, I snapped out of it. I opened myself up to him and haven’t looked back. My ex used sex as ammunition. My husband uses sex as a bonding experience as well as a way to express the passion between us.

  3. Me, I was the reason, I really wanted to feel love and share it with someone. Still overcoming hurts, betrayal every day.

  4. I waited two years suppressing my feelings, then decided fuck it and admitted them, and unfortunately that relationship ended badly so I am back to square one again

  5. I decided to just be myself and keep trying and be quick to let people go if they wanted something from me that I couldn’t give.

    And then I caught feelings, fell in love, got hurt again and now I’m like do I really need to meet any more people or should I start getting cats.

  6. I went to therapy – a lot. I also broke the silence and spoke about it honestly with friends and family. I took a long long break from dating, and went back into it with new rules and expectations. That backfired immediately. But then I fell in love with a man who was in love with me, and we both worked on my issues together, consistently, openly, and it works because *I want to be a good partner*. I was so scared of committing, but with him it was just natural. I knew I loved him, I knew he was a good person, I knew he was a good man, and every action and every word he shared with me proved I am safe. I never expected to be so unafaraid, but it just happened.

  7. He kept giving me the time and space I needed while always being there for me. No pressure. He made me feel safe and loved. We’ve been together for 15 years now.

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