What is your view on the movie Ex Machina?

  1. Loved the movie. My GF and I watched it and then talked about it for hours. It’s extremely interesting. I think my GF and I both came to the conclusion that Kyoko was the only one that truly had a consciousness since she was able to act in a manner that was not consistent with her programing.

  2. Didn’t like it.

    The cinematography is great. The lighting, the sets, the way shots are framed, all top-tier stuff. It looks *great*! Same thing for the VFX: blends in well, doesn’t break suspension of disbelief or plow into the uncanny valley, all good stuff.

    The actors do well in their roles, and are believable.

    The dancing scene is gloriously fun, comes out of nowhere, and is easily the best part of the movie.

    One big problem for me is the characters. All three of our main characters are, in one way or another, incredibly unlikeable. Nathan is the most obviously unlikeable, and he’s meant to be unlikeable. Ava is so openly manipulative from the very start that it’s off-putting. And Caleb is such a wishy-washy wimp that once it became obvious the film would end with a murderous robot rampage, I was rooting for him to be killed. I would not want to be locked in a room with *any* of those characters for two hours, so how can I enjoy watching a two-hour movie featuring them?

    The other problem is that once I’m taken out of the film by watching people I don’t like interact in ways that aren’t likable, I start thinking about the film’s basic framing: a young, naïve audience-insert character goes to a remote location where a brilliant scientist lives, and discovers that there experiments being done there meddling in Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. It’s the same plot beats as Island of “Dr. Moreau”, “Alien: Covenant”, even “The Killer Shrews”. These films **always** end with a murderous rampage, and always involve the (revealed-to-be) evil genius getting some kind of come-uppance. Even though it’s a beautifully shot, well-edited film with strong performances, it’s still a story where I know how its going to end, and I just don’t care that much about what happens along the way.

  3. I saw it once. Not exactly rewatchable. Pretty spot on. Lonely perverts can’t wait for the technology.

  4. Fuckin’ loved it.

    Guy absolutely got what he deserved for going all mushy when the **killer robot** blinked its eyes and wiggled its tits at him. That is not a woman, man.

  5. It’s a good movie i rewatched it the other night at my gfs house still enjoyed it the second time around.

  6. It was gorgeously made. Clearly it was written to spark conversation and had a lot of intentional ambiguity as a result but it also doesn’t really invite much in the way of rewatches.

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