Long story short, today is a special day in my country that involves pretty much everyone going out at night and partying in clubs or on the streets. Due to various reasons, my friends can’t go out tonight so I’ve noone to go out with. But I’ll be very bummed if I have to stay at home and I’m considering going partying on my own for the first time in my life. I’m a very socially inept person, so this is really stressing me out, but it’s also sort of exciting. I’m sure others have done this at some point, so I’d like to ask for some advice. My plan currently is to pick a place with music I like and dance like nobody’s watching, blow off some steam, or go home if I’m not feeling it. How have your experiences been partying alone?

  1. I’m probably not much help with this, but I’m currently solo travelling and have done this quite a few times, with restaurants and clubs. Honestly, just go and have a good time (easier said than done though lol). Like you say, just try and find a place you like the music, and just vibe. I would say the main benefit of being on your own is you can leave whenever. So don’t put pressure on yourself to stay for ages. If you only stay an hour, as long as you’re having a good time, that’s all that matters. Not sure whether any of this is useful but hopefully is a little.

  2. It was this year’s New Year’s Eve when I wanted to get out but had no one. So rather than sitting and crying. I just left my house. I went to a local bar and asked a group around if I could join them. they all agreed. I am still in touch with the group and we still hang out. The bottom line is don’t overthink that you will be seen in a certain way just go out there be you. All the best buddy. Peace out

  3. You will meet someone if you just try to go out. Some one will go hang out and like your vibe

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