\*\*Content Warning\*\* – Sensitive/Sexual topics. As part of my Psychology degree at the University of Lincoln, I am carrying out research for my final dissertation project. If you are aged 18 years old or older and can read/write in English, I would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete my study, which will take about 20 minutes. This study is examining the influence of beliefs, personality traits, and desire on sexual fantasising. Gender will also be investigated as an influence. You should only take part if you feel comfortable with these topics, specifically sexual fantasy content. The brief in the study link will provide more information and details of what the study will involve (ethics approval code: 2022\_10295). Please note, if you are negatively affected by the questions/topics, you are free to withdraw from the study while participating by closing the browser. Please feel free to share this, along with the study link, to friends or group chats who you think may be interested in taking part. Your help would be very valuable. Thank you!


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