I’m currently at the end of my second year at university and I haven’t been able to interact with any students at all other than my current roommate who I rarely speak to. I notice also people stare but I guess it is because I have some piercings (septum, earrings, cartilage, nostril ring). I also notice people literally avoid sitting near me. I thought I smelled and asked took 5 showers a day and my roommate/people on my floor said I never smelled to begin with so I’m not sure what is happening. I thought about transferring universities because even my cs professor noticed and doesn’t know why. Idk is it just k look weird because south I’m not sure. I thought this year would be better because the first year my hair was purpleish because a friend from home didn’t wanna have it done alone. I wish someone would just yell at me and tell me if I’m a freak or something so at least I know why people avoid me. I understand I don’t look like the conventional CS student but I don’t think that means you just avoid them right

  1. My assumption is that you don’t really fit the environment. Trying to stand out through appearance is not really a typical CS student trait. Did you try to initiate discussions with others? It seems like you want attention from the people who are mostly in their heads and more introverted.

  2. I think this needs to be stickied on this sub: you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it’s not bothering anybody (like having piercings, purple hair, tattoos) but at the same time people are also allowed to not want to associate with you. If you want people to like you then you need to make changes, like being more inviting/friendly or toning it down a bit and becoming more approachable. Nobody owes you their friendship. These problems will exist if even if you transfer unless it’s to somewhere like VCU or Portland.

    Let me ask you this, man walks in wearing a pink tutu (which is completely within his right), would you think it’s unreasonable if people keep looking at him or sitting somewhere else?

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