Hey guys, so I want to get NFZ insurance in Poland for the TRC, and they told me I need a document saying that I’m not involved with the NHS (which i’m not) do you know where I can get it? I tried the embassy and they gave me a number to call but they didn’t help either. Do you know if issuance of this document even exists and if so, where can I get it. Thanks!

  1. Can you clarify what you mean by involved with? As in work for them? Or do you mean as a patient? That would be a strange request by whatever authority has asked you to provide proof. You literally can’t as the NHS is free to anyone in the UK. You are entitled to NHS services as soon as you live here and a lot of services are also accessible to non residents. I guess the closest you could get to not be a patient “insured through the NHS” would be to not be registered with a GP.

  2. Is NFZ/TRC related to healthcare?

    I don’t think it’s possible to prove you don’t use the NHS. If you’re living here you are entitled to it, whether you use it or not.

    Or are you confusing it with National Insurance? That has nothing to do with the NHS but contributes towards pensions and certain benefits.

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