i feel like it’s a trope in literature and movies to portray intimate sex as two (or more) people being hyper present with one another eg staring into one another’s eyes, only focused on sounds/sensations in the room. sometimes the most intimate sex i can have is when i feel the opposite- like i’m so far out of my body, like my atoms are exploding outward. i think of a full moon over a hilly landscape or every single blade of grass in meadow, like i want to disappear or merge with the air or w/e. it makes me feel connected to the person i’m having sex with, even if i’m not thinking about them, but sometimes it feels like i don’t care who it is i’m having sex with. i’m as far out from my body as i can be. is this evasive or running away from the person i’m having sex with?

  1. This can be taken two ways.
    1- you’re enjoying becoming one with who you are having sex with and so lost in the intense pleasure that you experience the loss of ego.

    2- you’re dissociating and your survival instincts to “freeze” are kicking in.

    I highly suggest you deeply search within yourself to find which answer it is.

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