Personally I’d keep myself the same except make myself 6’10”

  1. Most of the things I’d change about me could be changed with some fucking effort.

    Quite a depressing thought.

  2. If your appearance was made in a character creator like a video game, my parents 100% clicked “randomise” 15x And thought “haha look how ugly this one is” and pressed ok.

    But this is the same people who set all my stats to 0.

    Intelligence: 0

    Strength: 0

    Charisma: -6

    Luck: 0

    Perception: 0.03

    Dexterity: 0

    They really wanted me to be playing hard mode ngl.

  3. Give myself the fitness I had at 27, the hair on top of my head that I had at 18, and the clear skin I had before puberty but keep my same basic height/facial structure.

  4. My right eyebrow has this weird tuft I’d get rid of, neck would be a bit shorter, little more muscle mass, tiny stuff to make myself more traditionally attractive. Keeping my freckles though

  5. Pretty much the same but thinner and with a few moles removed. I’ve got my flaws and I’m more rugged (or tagged) than handsome but I’ve earned it. It’d be interesting to be a good bit taller (I’m 5’11”) but it’s so easy for me to buy clothes. You know where I can get clothes that fit? Fucking everywhere. You know who can’t? 6’10” dudes or guys with necks bigger than 18″.

  6. The same, but with no asscrack hair.

    Yeah, I’d flip that slider bar to [NONE] in a heartbeat.

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