I have had the most wonderful relationship with this man over the past year. I
suppose I have learned my lesson to not date a man that isn’t divorced on paper despite the fact that they have been separated for a long time. He recently stunned me by saying he needed time to focus on finalizing that and focusing on some losses he has had in his family and grieving that. I have been so supportive throughout all of this and I really thought we were in a different place. he has pursued me throughout this relationship and he admits that and says that this isn’t about our relationship at all, it’s about him needing to feel like he has done the right thing through all of these changes. The relationship has been easy and happy and fun, but now he feels like he has been messing around when he should be getting some closure in other parts of his life. his soon to be ex-wife is a serious alcoholic and hasn’t been well enough to deal with the divorce proceedings. I’m 54, he’s 55, and we have a genuine, vulnerable, sweet connection and I miss him with all my heart. i’m trying to figure out if I should wait around or if I should never look back.
I figure this could be one of two things:

1. perhaps he just needs to go into his cave and once he gets through these hurdles that are overwhelming him he will want to reconnect, or

2. he just isn’t that into me and this was an easy way to end the relationship without having to say that.

I hope to better understand things through your wisdom and experience. Thank you!

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