How did prostitution become criminalized throughout the US?

  1. The run up to World War I had propaganda putting anything that had to do with teutonic stereotypes in a highly negative light, prostitution was incredibly common there and in response most states criminalized it.

  2. Imagine not having STD testing, condoms, birth control, or antibiotics.

    We just lived through a pandemic and had a ton of laws and measures put in place in an attempt to keep the public safe.

    It was the same with prostitution. Public health.

    And the laws have remained on the books. There’s also the morality police.

  3. The first European settlements here were mostly religious sects looking for more oppression than they could arrange back in Europe. They considered adultery a crime, prostitution was right out.

    Really, all the European colonies carried over the attitudes and legal stances of their home nations in most cases, and prostitution was illegal there first.

  4. The United States is very religious, or was. So when it started to become mainstream, the evangelicals probably pressured their state to criminalize it

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