I am a 23F and I’ve been on dating apps for a while. I’m currently talking to this guy I’ve been on a few dates with and I have never had a serious relationship before. So I just have some questions and wondering about peoples opinions. (I know these are broad questions and that different people prefer different things)

I’m just wondering what people think are the do’s and dont’s of early dating.
-Double texting? Yes or no?
-Do men actually like it when you play hard to get? If so, how to come off as that?

General questions:
-What are your thoughts about texting in the beginning stages of a potential relationship?
-What are things that are a turn off when first starting to date someone?
-What are signs that a guy is into you?

Personal questions:
-How to stop being overly anxious? (This one is a personal problem for me lol. I feel anxious about dating because I don’t have much experience)
-A guy told me he could tell I was nervous on our first date so he didn’t kiss me. Is that bad?

  1. Be yourself. The right person will dig it!

    > Dos and Donts of Dating

    Trust actions not words.

    > Do men really like when you play games?

    Most don’t—if you feign disinterest I’m going to focus on the other lady who shows interest—but if you enjoy games there are whole subreddits of guys who play too e.g. “negging”. As with point one, be you and for most the right match will follow. 🙂

  2. Be straight forward with what you want sex/LTR. As far a texting. Other than * to fix a typo I wouldn’t double text. Once you text ball is in their court. If your just dating and they dont respond within a day I just assume they arent interested and move on. More than aa few days= your just a booty call and their other booty calls arent available

  3. Double texting is only ever ok if you missed something to the end of a convo that wouldn’t have made sense without it or you misspelled something completely and you need to correct yourself or you missed off the and you? For instance in response to saying I’m great but forgetting to ask how they are. So then you send another saying and you?

    Those are the only times I ever will agree to double texting.

    If you’re literally gonna keep sending hey throughout the day and mixing it up or throwing some random convo into the mix when they haven’t responded at least once – then don’t.

  4. Double texting: Depends, might come off as a sign of desperation if he/she is on the edge about you.

    Actions > Words.

    Don’t overanalyze digital communication (texting, messages, Instagram likes, viewing stories, etc). However, if the ratio is extremely lopsided then it might be a genuine lack of interest (ex: 90% of the time you text first).

    Don’t “be yourself,” be “the best version of yourself.” HUGE difference between the two.

    Become the person that you’d want to date.

    Vast majority of men do not like it when women play hard to get, especially if she doesn’t show obvious signs of interest.

    There’s no standard time frame for certain things like when to kiss, when to spend the night, when to meet their friends, etc.

  5. I’ve heard things about double texting coming off desperate but I never felt that way it’s a conversation. Depending on it double texting is far, far better than long walls of text no one wants to read

    And don’t play hard to get. It’s more annoying than fun imo. I guess milage may vary maybe a more outgoing guy prefers that but I always see hard to get as a rejection and back off

  6. 1. Double texting depends on context, hard to say
    2. Generally speaking, almost always, no one likes when people play hard to get. Just be a normal human and communicate normally. If you like him, say so. If not, say so and end things decisively. Playing hard to get is not going to catch you the kind of guys who are worth being around.

    The other things are very subjective. But generally if a guy is into you he will go out of his way to be around you I think.

  7. Dates aren’t a big deal. You may never see or talk to people again. Make sure to know what you want and ask them questions about what you care about. Pay attention to their consistency, values, and respectfulness. Know your worth and don’t settle for less. Rejection is the most common outcome. Not everyone works for everyone. Have standards, not expectations. The bar can be pretty low. Be honest and direct. Have fun!

  8. One more tip! Don’t sleep with someone early on unless you’d feel good about it even if that was the last time you ever saw them.

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