I have progressive and pay $1500~ per year for 1 car.

  1. $600 for half a year on mine. It also depends on the type of car you have. Bigger vehicles that are in the new side get bigger quotes.

  2. What you pay varies based on your (and other drivers on your plan’s) driving history and where you live. Cities tend to have higher rates due to increased driver and theft related risk. I haven’t had a speeding ticket in 10 years and have never been in an accident but also bundle my home and auto with progressive and live in a suburban town. I pay less than half of your rate for a one year period. I think with my home insurance it’s just about what you pay yearly.

  3. About the same for 1 car with full coverage. I pay off my insurance in full for 6 months, mainly because I save about $200-$300 doing so.

    Still think that price is too high as my car is about 10 years old, but it’s now worth exactly what I paid for it all those years ago so I keep full coverage.

  4. I pay the same as you. I pay in full for the year and have never had an accident or ticket, so that saves me money, but I am only 24 so I think they still hold that against me.

  5. I think I last paid $800 to cover two cars for 6 months. We’ve used Progressive for years.

  6. USAA $1200 a year for 2 vehicles. Great credit and clean driving record but Nevada is expensive because of the idiot drivers and crime rates.

  7. I use USAA and pay ~160 month. That is 1 driver and 1 car. But it also includes my Homeowners. And TBH, I’m not sure the breakdown of which is which. That’s also full coverage on both.

  8. I bought a brand new car about 6 months ago, and my insurance premium (Geico) is about $1050 per year.

    My previous car (a 2004 car with about 70,000 miles on it) was about $750 per year.

  9. What other people pay has zero bearing on what you pay so keep that in mind (source: am insurance underwriter). I pay about $725 a year for one 2022 car.

  10. It is super dependent on your age, driving record, car value, credit, and some other stuff.

    I used to pay $110 a month for bare-bones insurance on a crappy 15 year old car worth maybe 4k. Now, I pay about $90 a month for very good coverage with a bunch of liability and everything for a car worth like 37k.

  11. We have progressive and 6 months was $1200 the last time.

    We have a 2008 Dodge Caravan, a 2015 Nissan Versa, and a 2019 Toyota Highlander. There are 3 drivers. Me, my husband, and our 17 year old son.

  12. About the same as you, but with ~~-Liberty Mutual-~~ a different company, for a 2015 SUV that’s valued at about what the MSRP was when it was new.

    One adult driver, zero accidents or tickets in decades. :/

  13. I pay like 1100 a year for full coverage on two vehicles.

    There are so many variables though it’s hardly comparable unless our situations are almost identical.

  14. 1150 a year for full coverage on a 6 year old car and a 16 year old truck. This is with progressive after an A rating with their snapshot program.

  15. You can probably find out for yourself by going to one of those sites that estimates a bunch of quotes for you, and entering info for the specific type of person.

    A 21 year old male living in New Jersey? Hope ya got $2000 for 6 months of coverage, kiddo.

  16. $1350/yr for a new-ish fancy van and a 10 year old mini suv. Clean records. I /think/ it’s a good rate? Around here, it’s the property tax that gets ya.

  17. $45.67/month. 1 car with full coverage (mid 2010s Golf) 1 truck with just liability (late 1990s GMC). When I switched from the company that starts with an A, I doubled/tripled coverages, halved deductibles, and I still couldn’t get the premium up to half what it used to be. Lesson learned: shop around.

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