Are nerdy girls actually cute and how nerdy is too nerdy?

  1. They can be, but in my experience they tend to be femcels more than nerdy guys being neckbeards these days. They just push a lot of guys who might fancy them in the same way is what I mean. The limit is the sort that are obsessed with Yaoi and gay ships and everything along those lines. It’s just a lot of work to make things work with befriending them and all that. It would be great if it wasn’t. It seems sort of rare to meet gals who like nerdy stuff and are comfortable in their own skin. If they are like that, then it doesn’t matter how nerdy they are. It’s just not good for our mental health to try to make things work otherwise unless we both are working through our issues together or whatever.

  2. It’s a fetishized stereotype for sure, because they tend to act like anime or e-girls with youngish behavior, but the reality only you can judge living close to one of them. Now that i am over my 30’s, i can easily see the flaws on women with that behavior. It’s kinda a red flag to me.

  3. There is a balance. Nerdy enough to play some games with you and get your game/movie references? 👍

    Cosplays every day and forces you to participate, playing games sun up to sun down, wears cat ears? 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩

  4. Yes

    Too nerdy is just like it is for a man, when you’re so into something you have no sense of humour about it or understanding that not everyone cares as much as you do

  5. The nerd-look has been used so much in porn that it became a fetish. Actual nerdy girl is just as cute as a nerdy guy.

  6. Aaaall depends on you. Do you think they’re cute? You don’t need the internet’s opinion to tell you how you feel.

    Same thing about the “level of nerdiness” you’re comfortable with. From one nerdy girl (or any girl for that matter) to another it’s never going to be the same, so don’t jump in with premade expectations and keep in mind that communication is key👍

  7. Similar to male nerds: Anything is fine if you’re charismatic enough and have at least *some* interests that other people can relate to. If your identity is entirely defined by a bunch of interests that nobody else has, no, that’s not cute.

  8. If nerdy means high IQ, advanced degree STEM professional then yes please. If nerdy means into video games and comic books, forget it.

  9. As long as *you being nerdy isn’t your entire personality* there isn’t really a line to draw.

    I’m nerdy as fuck and on the spectrum, but I don’t identify that way and make it my entire persona because I have other interests too.

    I’ve met many people I *love* talking to about nerdy shit but when they can’t switch tracks it immediately makes me not want to be around them too long

  10. I think everything will come down to personal preference.

    Personally I LOVE bright women who are passionate about something and oftentimes want to turn that passion into a career or already have done just that, nerdy or otherwise.

    i.e. I had a coworker who was exceptionally cute but it was only when we had a conversation over a lunch break and she started going on and on and on about chemistry and the research she was doing in college that I began to develop feelings for this bright intelligent woman. We dated for six months (she didn’t want to go long distance when I got the chance to live abroad for some time) and she’s getting her PhD now. That’s the sort of “nerdy” woman I’m into.

  11. I tend to think so. Most of the appeal for nerdy women is having somebody with similar interests to myself. Where it gets too much is if it enters the realm of full-blown obsession.

  12. I always hate when people say that, partially because from my experience girls don’t find nerdy guys that cute, generally, and as a nerdy guy I am biased, but “nerdy” has to be defined. Because “nerd” can mean a greasy fatass who’s socially inept, or “shy person with glasses that watches sci-fi”. If you can’t keep up a conversation outside of nerdy subjects you’ll only be able to socialize with nerds, so the question loses its purpose, if you like and do nerdy things, but is still functional outside of those environments at a bare minimum then some people will be interested.

  13. Depends on what kind of nerdy:


    * Being smart

    * Having a career

    * Having smart hobbies

    * Being good with computers

    * Liking video games

    * Not being tied up in that sorority girl style ultra-social lifestyle


    * Poor social skills

    * Neglecting fitness

    * Otherwise neglecting appearance

    * Obsession over individual nerdy interest like DND, Dr. Who, Star Trek, etc

  14. yes everything that makes you special and different from others is atractive to someone but not everyone has the same prefference

  15. What the fuck?

    First, cuteness is totally subjective. Anyone can be cute to anybody

    And “too nerdy” is also subjective

    Glad to help

  16. In my experience: There’s too nerdy, where their fandoms override good sense. Love Star Wars? Hell yes, me too! Going out everywhere in a stormtrooper outfit or rebel outfit, or disneybounding 24/7? No. Do you spend money on fandom shit and wind up short on bills, rent, or food? Also no. Do you wear your cosplays to work on a normal day at an office? Definitely a no.

    The right amount of nerdy is having your fandoms, loving them, wearing t-shirts about them on a normal day, *and also knowing when to dial it back.* As long as you have your priorities in order, that’s cool–and *that* is what I find attractive.

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