I know I’m a little young, but I’m so confused. I’ve been hanging out with this guy for about 8 months now, and recently, he told me he loved me and of course i love him back. This was about 2 month ago. For the record, he lives about an hour away from me so we don’t see each other often. We’ve been texting every day all day. Recently though, he hasn’t been talking to me as much. He’d respond with one word answers and wouldn’t seem as excited to chat with me as before. Last night, I asked him if he was still interested in me and he told me “yea I am I love you.” I asked him why is he being so distant right now and he said exactly, “idk. I’ve been hanging out with other ppl recently sry u feel that way tho” I’m not sure what to do. I tried to start conversations with him today but he only responds with “ok” or “yea” or “idk”.

I truly do love him a lot, and he says he loves me too, but he’s just been so distant and I’m not sure what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.

tl;dr – My boyfriend is being kinda distant with me and I’m unsure why

  1. Tell him that being distant isn’t going to work in the relationship, so either you two need to fix whatever is causing him to be distant or you need to accept that he doesn’t actually enjoy spending time with you, so there is no reason for the two of you to be together if that is the case.

  2. I was going to say distance could be several factors, but if he’s hanging out with new people and not reassuring you after that bomb, probably not a very deep or serious love if any.

  3. Because he seemed to not even see the distance tells alot. He is probably going to get quieter and quieter. And start acting irritated when you ask about it. If he starts that you would be better off cutting him loose.

  4. You need to be honest and tell him this is upsetting you and, if he actually loves you and wants this relationship to continue, things need to change.

    But, and I hate to seem to pessimistic, but you are both very young. He probably doesn’t really “love” you. He definitely likes you, but it doesn’t sound like he is mature enough to truly love you. He’s probably an ok guy, but y’all are still kids at the end of the day.

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