So i never understood why people shower everyday. Personally im rather clean, i dont ever sweat rly. I do however rinse my intimate area with water after everytime i pee or poo (with a glass of water that i pour).

I had a second date w this guy yesterday. He came to mine and slept over. We only kissed cuz when he tried to take things further i stopped him and told him that i cant cuz i need to know a person better before sleeping with them. He respected that. But anyways he probably saw i didnt shower last night nor this morning.

This morning we both had to leave mine cuz i have work and he asked me “u dont shower?” I just laughed and said that no i dont shower everyday…

**Is that a turnoff? Thoughts?**

  1. For some it is. I would think that most people understand that showers aren’t actually needed everyday. It’s actually better for our immune system if we don’t.

  2. It depends on a person. Some people have deeply engrained habits of showering daily and to them someone who doesn’t do that might be a turn off. Since he was bothered enough to ask he is probably one of those people. It’s fine, as long as your privates are clean and you don’t stink you don’t necessarily NEED to shower daily. But be prepared that some people might be turned off by that.

  3. I’d say yes. You definitely should if you’re around someone.

    I can go a few days without showering if I’m staying home. Some people can say its gross and but idc because I’m by myself. Otherwise, if you’re going out or you have someone over, you should.

  4. During the lockdown and working at home, I might skip a day. But I don’t sweat that much so there is that…

  5. Me personally I would appreciate if she showered before bed to keep the bed sheets as clean as possible because the feeling of sweaty/dirty sheets bothers me

  6. It would definitely sound quite weird and suspicious to me – even on days when I don’t sweat at all, I’ll have at least a quick splash of cold water, I’d just feel weird going into bed without a shower.

  7. I’m curious….. How often do you shower? Or do you just rinse your body as needed?

    Is there a reason why you choose this method over the more conventional method of showers?

  8. This is usually a cultural difference. Americans are super into showering all the time, while it’s different in other countries. There’s no ‘right’ way. If he doesn’t like it, that’s his problem.

  9. You’re not clean lol ,you’re sweating all day and the friction going on down there 👇 it’s a turnoff especially for women who are seen a angels you can’t imagine taking a dump , perfume doesn’t make you clean it’s just masking the smell witch will compound;

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