It just looks like they’re going for a kiss imo.

  1. The distance between the two individuals is inversely proportional to the magnitude of sexual tension between them.

  2. Some times you get so mad it makes you horny. This is why iron Mike famously said “i’m gonna fuck you til you love me” to one of his opponents. The more you know.

  3. Generally, they are trying to look intimidating. It’s no different when a cat raised it’s fur or dog snarls.

    Edit fixing autocorrect

  4. I always bring my hands up when they get that close. I ain’t getting sucker punched and it creates space between you. That action usually backs them up real quick or kicks off the fight, lol.

  5. They are looking for any sign that the other party is scared. It’s also an aggressive display of being in the others’ personal space. They are trying to see if the other one cowers.

  6. Well, not for nothing…… but if I’m gonna get in the fight anyways….. I might as well be close enough so that I can actually do him some harm. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I mean, I’m not gonna get all close to his face and shit, but I’ll be able to tell what the man had for breakfast. 🤣✌️

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