What are your basic expectations while on a date?

  1. We at least cover a couple of deep questions, have a good time, and maybe a hug at the end.

  2. Show up, don’t be shitty, or if you’re feeling like being shitty is all you got, let’s politely end it early.

    That’s about it.

    Most of my expectations revolve around not being shitty company. I’m doing my best. You do yours and we will get through a pleasant evening, whatever else comes of it.

  3. talk a bit, maybe take a walk after, find out if she has any nutbar ideas before letting myself cultivate feelings.

  4. That she’s not on her phone at all. If i’m on a date and she spends time on her phone, I’m out. I get up and leave.

  5. We have a good time and get to know a bit more about each other and making sure the other person isn’t a weirdo.

  6. Genuine sexual attraction/desire, respect, and effort. Its incredibly hard to fuck up the date from there.

    The only thing a chick will have to worry about if they want more is unknown female competition, what hes dating for (sex or more), and if she meets his personal standards.

  7. I pay, neither of us have our phones out, both are in the moment enjoying a chat.

    It can be really that simple

  8. Just to try to hold a conversation and to try not to be with your face buried in your phone the whole time!!!

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