How is life for you compared to one year ago?

  1. pretty much the same. steady as she goes.

    same profession, same house, same wife, same stable income, no health issues, looking forward to my annual month of march off. in a few weeks i’ll be winging off to the islands for a well-deserved break, then looking forward to a fresh spring, planting my garden and hauling the patio furniture out of storage.

    life’s pretty good right now.

  2. 3 years sober, own a small business, have a great job that I love, was able to move out again and get my own place. Feeling pretty accomplished rn

  3. I have less time but I’m working a better job and also getting my degree.
    I’m planning on moving out with my girlfriend soon.
    I hope this year will be great

  4. Lousy…FUCKING lousy!

    One year ago I worked four ten-hour shifts with Fri Sat Sun off. I was left alone to do whatever the fuck I wanted. I spent most of my time sitting by the fireplace screwing around with my laptop reading, learning or just watching movies/TV shows. It was so pleasant and stress-free that I wound up doing it for 32 years.

    Business gets sold and the new company doesn’t have overnight shifts, so I kissed that goodbye.

    Now, I work the day shift from noon to 8:00 pm with EVERYBODY yelling and bothering me five days a week with Tuesday and Wednesday off. I am so tired and stressed that now I go to bed two hours after I get home. And I’m too exhausted on weekends to even get out of bed.

    My creativity and energy levels are in the toilet and I’m secretly hoping that they fire me so I can get some time away from everything. If I quit I can’t get unemployment so I’m fucking stuck.

  5. Sooooooo much better! I was in a really bad place a year ago, but I fought hard, got up every time life knocked me down (life didn’t show me any mercy for almost 10 years), and now I can truly say I’m happy, even if it came at a big cost, it was worth it.

  6. Rough. Between my wife and I we managed to rack up around 10k in medical debt (only reason it isn’t more is because we hit our out of pocket max), both out of work for a month recovering at different times, and have been struggling with rehabilitation. Moral of the story, don’t get sick or injured.

  7. A lot better. I went to from living on only 130k a year to almost 500k a year, finished residency, and no more panic attacks. Life is good.

  8. A lot more difficult. My oldest started school last fall and is really struggling on the behavior front.

    On top od that the mornings now clash badly with when I naturally want to sleep so I’m more on edge than I should be. Makes me a worse father, husband, everything than I was before because my patience and energy are that critical level lower.

  9. Worse, because it’s as bleak and depressing as it was a year ago but everything got more expensive and I’ve run out of financial rope.

  10. I changed quite a bit in this one year.

    On one hand it’s better, ’cause I started to really feel like myself. Even if I didn’t know I didn’t feel this way before. Somehow hard to explain.

    On the other hand, this change made parts of my life a bit more frustrating.

  11. I’m living on my own and lonely but I can go to sleep when I want so at least theirs that

  12. I am feeling and doing a whole lot better. Ive been working on my health/self image a good bit which has also helped my confidence. I am also starting a new job soon and getting out of a bad situation there and I already have much less stress just knowing I’m almost free. And I’ve really just been more chill/relaxed all around; it’s all been trending upwards and I’m excited for what’s to come and have awesome people in my life to go through it with.

  13. A year ago I was in an unhappy relationship, living with my ex fiancee and down on myself. Now I’m single, living on my own and happy.

  14. A smidge worse because my finances have fallen apart a bit. Tho also better at the same time because I don’t really miss my first year uni housemates (they weren’t bad but I wasn’t comfortable in that house like I am in this one) or my raging unwelcome feelings for my best friend. Tho I think my degree modules peaked that semester. But idk I’m doing pretty good

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