I am not silent anymore and I want to talk to people but that would fall out of line with how I usually act now and that would be abnormal. I feel so alienated and I hate myself for it. This is real life btw, for a couple months I couldn’t talk to people.

  1. Either that or make more of an effort in conversing with new encounters. Different people that you meet on a daily basis. It can be quite enriching and uplifting.
    You don’t really need anyone’s approval on who you went silent on. That’s behind you now. People change and move on everyday.
    I like the fact that you are feeling more comfortable in connecting with people. Personally, there are some people that I moved on from. After a bit of time I realized just how toxic they were and probably will never see again.. There are some people that if they contacted me I would probably have a conversation with.

  2. I am the same as you!! About 2 or 3 years ago I deleted all my social media, switched to online school and stayed at home 24/7. I stopped talking to all my friends.but beginning of last year I started going back to my old school after 1 year of not talking to all my old friends again, but the difficulty was that I moved down a year and so I wasn’t in any same classes with people I used to know, so I had 0 chance to reconnect with any of them. But actually in the year I was silent, I watched everything my old friends do and I felt left behind. Like their lives were moving forward without me and I was left in the past. Now my life is moving forward again and I talked to them 1 time or 2 times but it’d clear they all moved on from me. I still want to be friends with them as well but I don’t know if it’s possible. I feel now we are so different and I have so many insecurities about leaving them on silent and disappearing that it’s hard to even look at them and smile.
    I hope I can either get past this or become friends again but I don’t know.

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