Hi! Im 41F here and my guy 35 and we got caught up making out really hot and heavy in the kitchen. This was pre foreplay. Next thing you know I “wake up” on the ground feeling tingly and a little confused. He asked me
“what the hell happened?!” Mind you, we were both completely sober and it came to me that he accidentally choked me out. When I came too I was so aroused in a way I’ve never felt! We have been trying again to achieve that during the act, with no luck. Of course I don’t shake a stick at being choked by any means, however we just cannot figure out the details as it happened so… organically. We’ve tried and tried, neither one of us can do it again! Does anyone know about this? How to safely do it, where to put your hand(s) and the amount of pressure, how long do you hold the choke? Also, why did it arouse me to the point that I haven’t gotten that aroused since. I’d love a how to instead of both of us just choking the hell out of each other in hopes. He had never done it to another woman as I mentioned, we were completely caught up in the moment and it happened so easily and quickly. We have tried the original position which was, him behind me holding my hands behind my back and the other reaching around to my throat, just kissing on me. We want to get off not look like we’re in a domestic dispute lol. Having a hell of a time achieving this again. We NEED it. By we it’s basically me haha! I was so upset at him for not continuing on but understand it scared the hell out of him. One minute I’m standing the other I’m laid out on the floor. Help him help me!! Haha thank you!

  1. Choking, especially choking to the point of you losing consciousness, can never – and this cannot be repeated enough: never ever – be done safely. You restrict the flow of oxygen to the brain, and that may cause irreversible damage. I’m glad you had such a good experience and nopthing went wrong, but, please stop trying to recreat it. It is unsafe and there is a high likelihood you end up in a hospitalbed if you keep on trying.

  2. The way I do it, is thay I use my thumb and forefinger to apply pressure to the carotid and jugular. It’s enough to slow blood flow to the brain, but the person’s airway is never restricted.

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