Hi i’m a 29 (m) she is a 26 (f) we broke up about 3-4 weeks ago because I became unattractive to her and now she said she doesn’t love me anymore. On Valentine’s Day we would have been together 3 years. I didn’t listen to the things that were upsetting her for whatever reason. I went to exchange my things on Thursday evening with her, we both laughed, cried and I grovelled at the end for her to give it another shot. She wasn’t having any of it. She felt cold and told me that she wanted to single and have fun. I think this was a way to try and hurt me tbh. She told me to keep busy and see my friends and I’ll feel better in 3-4 months time.

Over the Christmas Period I thought about making her a memory jar for our anniversary what would be Valentine’s Day 14th of February. I started writing down loads of different memories we have of each other. I managed to get to my target of 214 so it would be the 2nd month and the 14th day. I was about half way through when we broken up and now I’ve just finished it.

I’ve also put in 40 origami love hearts all containing a letter on them when opened up and a number so when you put them in order it comes up with the phrase ‘I didn’t tell you enough but you are beautiful’

Along with that I put 50 reasons when I fell in love with her in the first place. Plus a ring ( not engagement) just one I lost of hers awhile ago so felt I should replace

I want to write a little letter at the bottom of the jar explaining the 2 14 and what it stands for along with this was meant to be your final valentines/ anniversary present.
I’ve probably got to say about this is the love she always deserved and i’m sorry I didn’t show you sooner but what else would anyone recommend adding?

Also if someone done this for you would you open it or just throw it away?

  1. Bro, not to be harsh, because thats pretty romantic and all.. but she said she was done with the relationship. You started working on this before the breakup, but you aren’t doing yourself any favors by clinging to false hope now. Take her advice and start the process of healing and moving on.

  2. I don’t think it will change her mind, but if you want to give it a try or just get closure, then you might as well.

    She broke up because of things you do or don’t do, and this gift doesn’t address those (unless oneof those things is that you weren’t sentimental enough).

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