Okay so I (21f) have had this weird situationship with this guy (21m) for a while. We go to different universities across the country so it’s only when we are back home.

All I want to do is have sex with him. I was planning on it over christmas break but he ended up having to go back earlier than expected and we weren’t able too. Anyway just after he left I texted him and was like in a joking way, I am mad at you cause you left before we could fuck. Or something like that. Anyway now that we are both back home for reading week I texted him expecting to be like we usually are but the vibe just feels off.

Was I too forward here? Do guys like when women are forward like this?

  1. Guys are different and actually often complicated on this topic. Some like the chase and some like a girl who’s forward. For some people (like myself) it varies between depending on the girl.

    Firstly, don’t take it personally.

    Secondly, I wouldn’t even say that was particularly forward. He may not even think that you’re serious. Have you met up with him and has it been mentioned since?

    Also have you had sex before? If you have and now he doesn’t want to he’s probably seeing someone at uni.

  2. A lot of guys would jump at the opportunity if the women gives them an open invitation to have sex. But few guys exercise standards in dating, not all of want to have sex immediately. I for one would have intimate with a girl I genuinely like. If she doesn’t meet my standards I’ll politely decline. You should move on, don’t ask him to have sex with you anymore bc that’d make you seem desperate and needy.

  3. At your age most guys aren’t going to know what to do with a girl showing obvious interest.

    Surprise, disbelief, and not being sure how to respond (because it’s never happened before) might seem like disinterest.

  4. Perhaps he met someone or he has a.ways been less into you than hold for? Either way, let it go gracefully.

  5. You led with “I’m mad at you”. That sounds like you feel entitled to sex with him (I love the smell of irony in the morning), and even if you try to dilute it by saying it in a “joking way”, that’s going to put off even a very horny guy who likes women being forward, unless he has literally zero standards and self-respect.

  6. Ok so the bottom line is that you’re horny lol and there’s nothing wrong with that and there’s also nothing wrong with a girl that knows what she wants and or for her to go after it. And yeah, I for one like it because it obviously means that she’s feeling me and it also shows that she’s not afraid to take the initiative.

  7. There’s always gonna some men who find forward/aggressive women unattractive/off-putting, but…..they’re weird.

  8. If someone said that to me… I’d be into it. Supposing I wanted them.

    WHY… WHY can’t we just say it? It’s so odd to me. Like… it’s fine if the answer is no. But why can’t we just upfront.

    I appreciate it.

  9. I think it really depend on if he was interested or not. If he was seeing someone and focused on her, I could see this as landing awkwardly. Especially if he’s still seeing her.

    I would say in general, most guys like forward as it’s easy and we like easy.

  10. I mean everyone is different, but I like when women are forward and up front about what they want. So many women I’ve met play games and like being chased and drop hints. I’d much prefer someone just saying what they’re after.

  11. Guy usually like ti when girls are forward (msot girls are too passive imo). I think the poor guy just doesn’t know what to do or how to handle the situation.

  12. As a fellow man, I am pretty sure that he would not say no to sex with a beautiful woman, especially if you have a good banter with him.

  13. I prefer people just say what they want. I don’t think a woman should play coy. If she wants to get dicked down, she should ask for the dick.

  14. Personally I don’t mind someone coming out and saying what they want. I have had some female friends tell me that they want to sleep with me but I didn’t pursue that. I could have back then but now that some years have gone by they may not have that desire anymore.

    The big difference is after I discovered what making love was like. I don’t want meaningless sex. Not only does it put someone at risk for getting a ‘gift’ that keeps on giving but it could change a relationship.

    He might be self conscious trying not to fuck things up this time. He might be wondering if that option is still on the table and may not want to bring it up. People do change their mind, months, weeks, or hours later.

    If you really want to do that, just let him know that you are still interested and why you want to share that experience with him.

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