Hi, my gf woke up this morning with a UTI. She said she’s had one before and used Azo and cranberry supplements to make it go away, so I drove to the store and bought her some without hesitation.

When I got home, I realized azo is just a pain reliever, and not an antibiotic.

She said she doesn’t want to go to the doc and get meds, is this fine? I’m not gonna push her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, and she’s had one before and it went away.

How can we prevent UTIs in the future? We have unprotected sex quite often.

  1. In my experience minor UTIs can sometimes clear up on their own, but they absolutely suck so I don’t know why she wouldn’t want to crush it with antibiotics immediately.

    Maybe getting a doctor’s appointment is too annoying for her or takes too long? Sometimes pharmacists can be authorized to give prescriptions for UTIs, or even telehealth is a good way to get a prescription quickly.

    AFAIK cranberry isn’t proven to help with them.

    >How can we prevent UTIs in the future?

    Always clean your hands (and penis) before sex. Some women say that peeing after sex helps prevent them anecdotally, but the data doesn’t really back this up. It doesn’t hurt though.

  2. Make her go to the doctor. Untreated UTIs can progress to kidney infections, which can be VERY SERIOUS. If she thinks the doctor is a hassle, hospital is worse.

  3. If it is an embarrassment thing for her, maybe she could do an appointment over zoom or the phone? Those are pretty easy to do these days.

  4. The other important thing to do is to drink as much water as physically possible. That’ll help flush the bacteria and such- the cranberries and azo on their own won’t do much unless you’re also drinking water. Antibiotics are incredibly important so it doesn’t turn into a kidney infection, but I’ve made mild ones go away by eating a fuck ton of dried cranberries (like eating as many as I could in between meals) and drinking a lot of water.

  5. If its small and not to painful drinking so cranberry juice will help and drinking lots of water. If it get very bad yes of course go to the drs.

  6. I don’t know if this is a possibility in your area, but some pharmacists can provide antibiotics for a simple UTI without going to the doctor. Maybe look into that option if it’s because she doesn’t want to go to the doctor?

  7. As someone who used to get utis frequently make sure she drinks a ton of water and pees before and after sex. My bf and I have unprotected sex multiple times a day. I can attest that doing this has saved me.

  8. I have never had “just a little” UTI. Mine hit me like a wall of bricks and absolutely nothing but antibiotics works for me.

    Some women swear the cranberry AZO is enough though. I’m not one to call someone a liar but it blows my mind that it works for them.

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