EDIT: Thank you all, I have a lot to consider! I don’t want to do anything illegal though.

Any specific life experiences you would recommend?
I am very open-minded and want to make the most of the time I have left. Please assume that I am healthy, ambitious, somewhat hedonistic, and at peace with my situation.
I request that you don’t ask me for more personal details about what’s going on. I just want to know what YOU would have done if you were level-headed in such a time-constrained situation. Thank you!

  1. i would def have a crazy night where I do hella drugs and have sex with prostitutes, I would try to eat at a lot of great restaurants, visit all my family, release various artistic projects I have worked on over years

  2. I would jump outta a plane, anything I would’ve been afraid to do cause I thought I would die, make amends with anyone I may have wronged. Maybe not the last so much, maybe.

  3. Take an epic trip with my closest family/friends. Write letters to everyone. Sign up for all those no exam life insurance policies adverts. Make a bucket list of experiences and try to do them (For me see the northern lights, the Grand Canyon, try Archery). I’d find time to focus on mindfulness and meditation as well as my hobbies. Try to not stress about what I can’t control.

  4. I would give all my belongings to people in need. But only good people. Then I would drive around aimlessly and just watch people in their daily lives, like a long goodbye ceremony. I would spend the last few weeks camping, away from civilization – just me and nature.

  5. The only thing I would NEED to do is define my legacy. You choose how you’d like to be remembered by the choices you make when you’re here. Leave a legacy that makes others smile. That doesnt mean you dont do bad shit. I have done tons of bad shit. But you know what the first thing people will think of when you’re gone. Is that thought how you want to be remembered?

  6. Travel to as many Countries as I could afford . Eat and drink whatever I want without worrying about calories .

  7. Visit Switzerland and wherever else with my closest friends and create a great memory for them.

  8. Travel, go to brothels, meet up with relatives, meet up with friends, learn to do a backflip, try bungyjumping, try skydiving, contemplate life, contemplate death, meditate, accept death.

  9. Take a huge loan from some bank and then enjoy all I want using the money which I have no intention or possibility of paying back.

  10. Fuck and fuck and fuck some more.

    I’d meditate in between sex sessions, eat and sleep. Also enjoy nature!

  11. Nothing would change. I’d wake up, go to work, and then sleep until I didn’t wake up again.

  12. Definitely get some escorts/legal prostitutes for a threeway. After that, probably follow around my favorite band to catch as many shows as possible.

    Of course, this all implies having money.

  13. Nothing really. I’ve done a lot. Maybe just say my prayers, announce my peace and go down into it in meditation. Hopefully.

  14. Apologize to a few people, take me and dad on a train trip down to Germany and visit some epic tech museums, then visit some cool museums I have never been to back home in Sweden.

    Tale a few long walk with mom, just talking about stuff, I’d go by my extended family and their families and say good bye, stuff like that.

  15. I’m not the type of person who could live with the anticipation. I’d just get it over with asap

  16. Lots of drugs, sex and food. I wouldn’t even live the whole 2 months for that, because a single weekend would be more than enough.

    Now during the actual week, I’d probably want to tie my loose ends, at least professionally. Write down tutorials for coworkers and replacements, and delete social media and unnecessary accounts. I’d probably write down passwords and hand down my gaming accounts to my cousin, and write down some testament for the rest of my stuff.

  17. Nothing, really. Going out with a bang just wouldn’t be my style and I think I would have even more regrets if I did start doing crazy things because in the back of my mind there would be the thought that I am dying and I wouldn’t enjoy doing them.

  18. Well I’m sorry she couldn’t handle it. And I’m sure she’ll let you make amends. But yeah, skydiving sounds fun right?

  19. That’s a great idea. You can’t erase your unique perspectives on things. Put everything in your mind on paper and you literally leave the legacy of everything you’ve ever been etched in stone.

    Whether that helps someone a month, a year, a decade from now, you can still have a lasting impact that can change someone else’s life. That’s a legacy, man.

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