Is it normal to get moody over sex, if you and your partner who’s a female haven’t been intermit in 2 months? And what does it say about your partner if they refuse to talk about it and use that as a reason to split up?

1 comment
  1. There’s something else going on here – a deeper issue and the lack of sex is a symptom of it. I think, and correct me if I’m wrong, that you’re feeling moody not over the lack of sex itself, but the fact that she appears to be unwilling and distant in that respect – which makes you have to question what changed all of a sudden. And if she won’t talk about it, don’t push the topic of sex itself, but rather maybe attempt to initiate a conversation about if she’s happy with your relationship and if anything has changed recently to have cause her to treat you differently. If you make it sound you like you just want to get laid, she’ll keep shutting down and feel like an object. I’m a 28yo F (now single) but I wouldn’t go a WEEK without having sex with the man I was in a relationship with. If mine and her roles were reversers, I would consciously be aware that, but turning him down with no sex, I’d probably make him question why I don’t want him anymore and cause him to start have second thoughts about what’s going on. I’m rambling, sorry. Hope that made some semblance of sense. I guess what I’m trying to say is have open communication about your relationship as a whole, not about physical pleasure.

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