What’s your idea of a perfect first date taking into account the girl asked you out?

  1. I never had a chance to do this before I moved away but my former town had a rock climbing gym. My current town has mini golf. I like first dates where you DO something. 1. It gives you something to fill in the space between, so how do you like working at X? And 2. Games and athletic stuff reveals a lot about your character. And if she is not into sports or athletic and still goes anyway, that also says a lot.

  2. Doing something fun, having a few laughs, finding out that I enjoy her company and she enjoys mine. At the end we agree to see each other again and I go home with a smile.

  3. it depends on my goals

    if it’s someone i’m genuinely interested in for a relationship, let’s do something we both enjoy and we can bond through

    if it’s just for banging, i’m fine with anything you want to do as long as the head is good

  4. Well, I just had a date on Sunday that I’d put in my top 3.

    Met up to watch the game at a barrestaurant. Had drinks, food, and great conversation. Went back to her place and talked more, listened to some great music, I played some piano, and she played piano and sang. It was fuckin awesome.

  5. Proper date? Sushi and then drinks, bowling and a couple drinks, some local orchestras play soundtracks along with famous movies like Harry Potter or star wars kind of stuff

  6. The 2 most memorable first dates in my life were a visit to a museum and a dog walk: I can find talking to a comparative stranger a bit overwhelming. Both were great because there automatically was tons to look at and to talk about and in both cases it was harder to stick to a script and the conversation flowed more naturally. If it is going well it’s easy enough to say let’s go for a coffee (or a meal).

    P.s. I am now married to the dog walk date

  7. If you’re already familiar with him, then yeah, something related to his interests. You should know best what he enjoys, not any of us.

    Can’t go wrong with some food/restaurant though.
    Ideally to me, you do some activity before or after as well.

  8. dunno i guess just. dor it to be fun, and have some nice conversation, maybe make each other laugh a bit…. and if posible agree on a follow up date? also maybe just a nice warm hug to close the date??? 🥺

  9. I tend to connect with women based on music, so seeing a concert or even a band in a smaller venue would be rad.

  10. It’s usually something I already want to do but I don’t want to do alone. Like trying out an expensive restaurant I’ve never been to, taking bachata lessons, or dropping acid

  11. If she asked me out AND planned the date anything is fine. That’s more effort than anyone has put in in my entire life it would be amazing.

  12. The problem is every one is going to be specific to them. For me, food and something beautiful (nature, movie, art). But just a coffeesnd pastry would be nice with chat.

  13. Never thought much about it but maybe something you wanted him to know about you or somewhere you wanted to spend some time at. Honestly the place doesn’t matter that much if there’s genuine connection and you know you have a nice company.

  14. Anything or anywhere both of us could be ourselves without feeling the need to wear a mask to please or seduce

  15. That’s more effort than any woman have ever put in for me.
    I would join her regardless.
    Museums and food are both great choices for me. Or a surprise hunting trip.

  16. A cup of tea and a cake in a nice tea room and maybe a walk in a park.

    A date is about people, not activities.

  17. Went on a date with this chick from NY. We did some bantering and sarcastic back and forths before the movie started, we basically spent the whole movie feeling each other up (I guess the bantering created sexual tension), after the movie we pretty much walked around Times Square making out every couple of minutes. I didn’t get home until 5 am, plus I had work that day.

    I can’t say any date I’ve ever had afterwards topped that.

    All in all, a perfect first date would be hanging out and enjoying each other whether it’s physical or through conversation and good vibes.

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