How do you make sure you are safe as a single woman who hires contractors to work on their home ?

  1. Cameras potentially? Or invite a friend over? I’ve never had any dangerous situations with workers but have been in situations where they’d try flirt or like give me their personal number or ask me out for a drink or dinner.

  2. Having someone with you would be the ideal scenario. Cameras definitely help, too. Make them noticeable so people are well aware they are there.

  3. Research the contractor before hiring them. Make sure they are reputable. At the end of the day they have a job to do and a reputation to uphold. With social media these days you can find out and get recommendations from people who have used services before.

  4. It’s not even a thought or consideration. I’m not at all afraid in that situation. I’d be paranoid to be so in my country (Northern Europe).

  5. Never had serious issues.
    I do say I have a bf if the question arises.
    “then why isn’t he here?”
    “he’s abroad”.
    That’s it. Saves me the trouble of them hitting on me and trying to politely refuse. Most have the tact to only ask you AFTER the job is done, but some really haven’t been blessed with brains, hence the pre-ready bf story.

  6. Check google for reviews and let people know they are coming. I don’t overthink it too much but do consider it before requesting quotes/work to be completed etc

  7. I’ve never been worried about it. I’m used to being around guys in those fields. I’ll usually check on them a couple times and see if they need anything, chat for a little bit. Usually I’ll just catch them checking me out or something, sometimes they get real flirty. But I’m used to it so nbd.

  8. I have little fear about that to be honest. Just because I live across from a busy school. Bur I do take precautions by asking my veteran neighbor to come have a cup of coffee if the guy gives creeper vibes.

  9. There’s actually a lot of companies out there that have a completely female team, for that exact purpose. Single women can hire anyone from their team and feel safer and more comfortable with them in their house.

  10. Honestly, I never thought about it.

    I got quotes and his a contractor to build a retaining wall about a year ago. It was no big deal. Everyone was polite.

    The 80 pound pittie mix doesn’t hurt.

  11. I’m divorced, but my husband and I still see each other every day because of the kids. He’ll usually come to help out and wait for a contractor if we need someone here with me. Especially if the problem is popping up at night, and we need to get someone out here late.

    I also do a lot of vetting and research on whom to hire before I hire them. Doesn’t always help; people can game their own reviews on different sites. But it’s better than doing no vetting at all.

  12. What are the crime statistics on this?I can’t think of one single event of this kind during the past years but there were 20 murders of women by their partners in this year alone in my tiny country.

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