Am I just being too jealous? My gf keeps doing something that would make me jealous. I don’t know if she’s intentionally doing it sometimes or what. She just keeps on lying every time we talk and she only tells the truth when I discover that she’s lying.
There’s this one time that I saw her out with some random dude that I don’t even know or heard of. Then when I ask her if she’s been going out with some random guy she just lies about it. She just tells me that she didn’t go out with anyone. This always happens and I don’t know what to do about it.
We already talked about at least telling where or who she’s going with many times. But she just keeps doing it again later.
The last time I asked her why she was with some random guy she just said “why not”.
I do feel her love for me and make me secure but she just keeps doing this kind of things repeatedly.
It makes me really confused.
We’re a great couple in our relationship but something like this ruins it.
She never explains when we talk.
She lies about everything. Absolute everything.
I don’t feel safe or secure in this relationship.
Is it me who’s wrong? Is it because I get jealous? I just really don’t know.
Does that count as cheating? Because I just feel cheated. I don’t know what to do. ( Sorry for my bad grammar. )

  1. I mean, it’s normal to be upset that your partner repeatedly lies to you. I can’t tell you if she’s cheating, but lying to you isn’t treating you with respect.

  2. If someone is lying constantly like that then usually there is something to hide, so no, you are not overreacting or anything. She is being suspicious and since she will never explain or change her ways, there’s no use staying in a relationship like this, where you can’t even trust her because she’s always lying even when she knows you know she’s lying. I won’t say this is cheating but your feelings are valid in this situation.

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