Well girlfriend of 5 years who recently shifted to UK, has just started to change in like a month. She has this theory that every guy hits on her but she can’t make friends unless she ignores that part. To me it’s like she just lets them flirt and says no when they ask for something physical.

She has started wearing a new style of clothing which is “very” revealing and makes me feel weird but it’s her choice and I keep this to myself.

Now apparently she has made “friends” with a 35 year old guy who was doing a gig at her university, “she friendly flirted with him because he is out of her league and probably has a wife and kids, so it’s all a joke.” Didn’t expect any new developments until he dm’ed her cause “she caught his attention” and turns out he is single at 35!

He hasn’t explicitly said anything but he is taking her on a drive. I had a fight with her saying that a 35 year old interacting with an 18 year old like this is a serious red flag and a danger flag too.

The fight basically boiled down to let me be the judge myself, if he is a creep or not and I will be in a public place so I will be safe. I ended up giving up and saying that I cannot control you but I need you to be safe so share me your location. She is going out with him on a drive this week now apparently. How does she not see this is wrong? I am beginning to wonder if this is what she wants too? She just justifies with she has an insanely tougher life than mine so she needs friends. She keeps me informed about things so I am not sure if she is being genuine in this bizarre situation?

  1. You either trust her or you don’t. Long distance doesn’t really work unless you can trust her and her decisions.

    It also only works if there’s a definite end date to the long distance part.

  2. Sure, social people need friends.

    Loyal partners don’t behave like her.

    And there’s 100s of ways to make friends without having to flirt or be with men interested in her as more than friends.

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