Men who have been to strip clubs, what did you enjoy about it, if not, then why?

  1. I used to work in Kings Cross as a bar manager. There was a small, crappy place called “The Flying Scotsman.” I’m Irish, they had decent Guinness, it wasn’t work or next door to work. I wanted a beer on my break.

    It was fun chatting to the staff dancers. I just sat at the bar with my pint and had a laugh for 30 minutes before going back to work. The naked dance part didn’t appeal to me and the music was brutal.

    I’ve been to a few strip clubs on lads holidays and it’s all a bit “meh”, doesn’t do it for me at all

  2. Sending the ugliest dancers to the birthday boy, I’m a people watcher and that shit had me laughing so hard internally 🤣

  3. My only experience with anything like that was a job that took me into such a place

    It was pretty depressing

  4. I went when I was 19 with a friend and it was the most painfully awkward experience of my life. I would not recommend.

  5. I’ve been to a few and experiences vary.
    -Different clubs have different rules.
    -Some have more privacy than others with “private” lap dances.
    -Some girls let you touch or do more than is allowed. Others will not let you touch them at all.
    -ATMs have ridiculous withdrawals fees.
    -Drinks are unreasonably expensive.
    -Some girls aren’t that great with lap dances or talk too much during lap dances.
    -Some clubs have “no touching” allowed including private lap dances.
    -If you’re enjoying yourself, is easy to spend a ridiculous amount of money. Make sure to have self control of your money.
    -Some clubs shorten songs meaning private lap dances can be short as well.

    Those are some of the things that came to mind with my experiences.

  6. I went one time during a stag party years ago. I was against it but followed the crowd, and would not go again.

    Sure, watching people dance seductively to music while barely dressed is really hot, but I found it hard to really focus on that when in my head all I’m thinking is that they find me disgusting and would rather be doing almost anything else.

  7. So there’s 2 answers here, the surface one and the deep one.

    On the surface, its the titties, you knew that.

    On a deeper level, when a man goes to a strip club he will receive attention from (theoretically) attractive women who will take the initiative to approach him, who will talk to him and be interested in what he has to say. These same women will with essentially 100% reliability then be willing to escalate to sexual activity of some kind, at the most basic level just being naked in front of the man, and depending on the club *much* more. There are plenty of strip clubs that are really just brothels.

    Men are buying a fantasy when they go to the strip club. That pretty woman who thinks you’re super interesting and is totally willing to suck your dick 5 minutes after meeting you? Yeah she’s *only* doing that because you brought money. That’s something that basically doesn’t happen outside of the fantasy environment. You feel wanted, desired, important, and of course your dick has a good time too. Its all an illusion, and some are more capable of recognizing that then others.

  8. I went once when I was in the army, when we were on R&R in Bulgaria. Even though the women were stunning (as tends to be the case with Bulgarian women), the whole experience was kind of a downer. All of the dancers looked like they were in a daze, and the thought of “human trafficking” crossed my mind a few times. Purple and pink lighting gives off more of a sleazy than sexy vibe to me. I haven’t ever returned to a strip club.

    If you want to see multiple attractive naked women in a more relaxed setting, go to a German thermal bathing resort. Although you will need to be naked too.

  9. Went to one for a bachelor party for one of my buds. One girl there smiled directly at me, touched my hair and complimented me on my smile. I hadn’t had attention like that in a good while. Promptly gave her all my spending money and sat in the back. I’m definitely a sucker for those places.

  10. Went there once because one of my friends wanted to see what it was like. The women were either rude or trying to scam us, the drinks were overpriced and women stripping does absolutely nothing for me. Strippers and strip clubs are a waste of money, don’t bother with it fellas

  11. I went twice, first time I was on a work training course for the week and it was the latest place open, but I was so pissed I don’t remember.

    Second time on a friends stag do, had a drink and left. When you knowing hot chicks are throwing themselves at you for your money it’s off putting. They harass you pretty much… then you have the regulars, creeps that were all sat in the shadowy parts of the club.

    2/10 not a nice experience

  12. I’ve never been a fan of them myself. That is because I can’t buy into the fantasy that the dancers actually like me and aren’t there for my money.

    That being said, what I like most about the strip clubs is watching the guys that do buy into it. The ones that buy into it hard and fall in love with the strippers. I love watching them believe so hard that she actually wants them.

  13. Throughout my life, I’ve been socialized not to stare at women. At least, not for long enough periods of time that they notice. I think this is a good thing!

    I haven’t spent much time in strip clubs. But every time I’ve visited one, I felt my training working against any impulse to watch the dancers. I did watch, a little bit. I understood that these were environments where watching women is encouraged. I just never hung around long enough to get used to it.

    No judgements if you like strip clubs. But personally, I don’t want to get used to them. I’ll go if you’re my friend, and you’re about to get married (for example). They just aren’t for me!

  14. I hate the constant nagging for private dances. This is why I don’t go. I don’t find them fun at all.

  15. I enjoyed titties in my face.

    I didn’t enjoy feeling like a target. Maybe I’d have more fun if I had limitless money but the whole experience in American strip clubs isn’t very great.

    My friends pulled me into a strip club in the Philippines that played out quite differently though, instead of the typical lap dances paid per song instead a girl met you by the door and latched onto you and then sat down at a table, sofa with you and would just kind of be extremely affectionate and hang out by you, you just had to keep purchasing her “drinks” regularly which were marked up for her and probably had little to no actual alcohol so she didn’t get plastered. I found it to be a lot more enjoyable. They girls at the tables didn’t even take their tops off, so it was really more of just a place to hang out with your friends with women clinging onto you and laughing at your jokes/conversation. You were really just paying for physical closeness moreso than eye candy.

  16. I was forced to go, on the Bachelor party of my brother in law.
    His best friend organised it and thought it was great fun. It was horrible for me and my brother in law. I never saw so many depressing things in my life at the same time. Old men lurking at the bar trying to catch s glimpse and paying a fortune for a beer…a.s.l.
    When the 2 strippers came to us to talk us into a private „dance“I didn’t know better than trying to find out if they were victims of human trafficking…
    They recognized quite fast that we were not into it and we finally could leave after 1.5 hours.

  17. I don’t get strip clubs. Overpriced drinks, pay to get blueballed, and these places tend to be the sleaziest places run by sleazy people and contribute to organised crime. No thanks.

  18. Absolutely hated it. It was awkward as shit and I left at the earliest chance I had. This happened about 6 years ago and not once I have thought about going back to one of those places.

    Nothing compares to true attraction to someone (physically and mentally).

  19. ace, i throw a few dollars out onto the runway but i dont pay for anything else.

    friends like boobs, i like booze. the ‘normal’ hotspot also cooks a good burger, ngl shits good.

  20. Not as a client but had to deliver to one once and that was enough for me not to want to enter. Just felt grimy and sex life for me is something private publicly displaying of hornyness is not something that appeals to me

  21. Attention from beautiful women who can successfully convince me that they are actually interested in the silly stuff that comes out of my mouth. Getting a lap dance can be a very healthy stroke of the ego. Yes, you might go home with blue balls, but if you go with the intent of getting off you’re either an idiot or have a lot more money to burn. If you just want to feel desired and have a little reprieve from your sexual loneliness, then I think a strip club can do you a lot of good. However, by the next morning you need to start reminding yourself that it wasn’t real and it was more like a really nice dream. You might dream it again, but it needs to stay in that club.

  22. I found God in a little place in Melbourne called Kittens. It was my first time in at the rippas. I was a fresh faced young man of 21 and upon entering this fine establishment I saw a gorgeous, fully nude woman, standing on the bar, pouring champagne from her tits down the rest of her body to her leg into a man’s mouth. I spent the rest of the night trying to find my jaw that had land on the floor…. and spent most of money too. I fucking love strip clubs, it’s like church but this time I wanted to be molested.

  23. Finally getting some physical attention, always go to the back room and I’m usually super respectful which the dancers appreciate and it always ends with us hugging and talking which is nice. Yeah it’s overall not real but sometimes after a long ass time it’s just nice to get acknowledged I guess. Funny part is the dancers usually end up grabbing my hands and putting them places which I’m sure wouldn’t be allowed otherwise which is a bonus lol.

  24. I’m lonely. My wife left years ago, and I haven’t had a girlfriend in well over a year. Other than my 3 year old daughter, my coworkers, and my mom, I don’t talk to many people. There is a serious lack in the sexual contact department. I never used to go to strip clubs, but I went once a few months ago, and the relief I felt was astonishing. Some part of me had just given up. My dick was for masturbation and pee, such is life, but seeing those titles, having them pressed against my face, getting grinded on… it made me feel all that stuff again. Of course, I quickly discovered it to be quite hollow. The women who were quite willing to touch were only willing as long as you paid them, the women who would constantly come chat with me were either unable or unwilling to hold an actual conversation about anything, the arousal while exciting was, fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying.

    I’ve been 3 or 4 times over the last 6 months. It has had results varying from, qutie a pleasant way to spend a few hours, to a distinctly unpleasant waste of 300$. I’ve never gone with anyone else, and the idea seems strange. It always seems better in my head than it does when I’m there.

  25. I’ve been to three in my life, all in the same night, for a friend’s bachelor party. I am married, and was married at the time. Lap dances from strangers seemed weird, gross, I don’t know the etiquette, and didn’t want to be spending money out of the bank account I share with my wife to have some other woman dance on me. The night ended at an all-nude bar, where I just sat at the bar, sipping a coke, and waiting to GTFO.

  26. I hate going to strip clubs and I dated a stripper.

    I’ve (27m) been to one strip club in Vegas and instantly knew I hated it. I was with a bunch of women for a 21st, I was also 21 around the time. We went in on a UFC fight night and the ratio of men to dancers was like 30-1, not exaggerating. There was nowhere to sit and you couldn’t see the walls because men were against it 3-5 layers deep. It just felt gross. I had never found the appeal of going before this experience but this cemented for me. It just feels like a gross experience for everyone involved.

    I dated a stripper on and off for about 7 months. We met on Tinder. She wasn’t a stripper when we first started dating but she had been previously and then went back to stripping during our relationship. She didn’t do “extras” but a lot of the girls do. That’s where you get the BJ’s and sex. There are people in here who think that dancers can be genuinely sexually interested in them as a customer. 99.99% they are not being genuine. I’ve been told many times by other dancers and my now ex that, “I would date him if he didn’t come I here, he is pretty cute”. Basically the fact that you walked in and showed interest, instantly made you undatable.

    I’m in sales and I actually helped her with some stuff. Repeat customers are guaranteed money until they realize they just spent $X, Y amount of times, and got a gf/sex 0 times. (Unless you do extras then you just thread the needle and squeeze for as long as you can) They can offer to send you private videos/pictures out of the club. They are doing that for 10-30+ other people with the same content. They text you when you aren’t at the club because they want to keep you coming back. It’s just sales and marketing against the stupidest customer on the planet, a horny man.

    One the top ten places I would never be caught dead at/in. Your mom’s smelly vagina is another.

  27. My first and only time was because my GF needed to get something from a freind who was the bartender(fully dressed ) i was tipsy, possibly high, before we went in. So i knew we were going into the strip club but didn’t really know what to expect cuz its my first time.

    We walk in, the music is *BLARING* and the neon lights immeadiately threw me off. Drunk me felt like we entered another world, I was in shock. Then I seen the tits and ass, and I was more shocked and confused, especially since I was with my super jealous GF and didn’t want to get caught staring.

    Unfortunately, I stared too long and seen a girl’s butt with a big dark mole on it, and lost all interest in my surroundings lol. We continued walking to the bar to find her freind.

    THEN one of the strippers happens to be a girl I’ve known since middle school. Of course she has to give a seductive wave and say *hiiii toomanyacoooorns* which prompted a dirty look and some questions after we left.

    So yea, no strip clubs for me.

  28. I like tits and ass and have definitely spent $100 in other and more stupid ways, so a strip club from time to can be fun.

  29. Have yet to go to a strip club in my life. Just got a full strip club education via this thread lol. Thanks.

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