Did you ever move to a place where you felt ‘called’ to go?

What was your experience? Are you still there? Would you move back? What did you learn about yourself?

  1. I decided to leave my husband and the next day (literally) I was talking to my mom and then my aunt… Both of them and myself felt like I should move to a certain city. I must say we had not talked with one another. We all had the “calling” on our own. I moved. It was great. Now I wish to leave for a lot of reasons. It is a place that doesn’t align with my ideals. But it’s expensive.

  2. No I wouldn’t move to the city. I’ve been going to nyc to see my grandpa since I was a teen but haven’t bc of the pandemic. Nyc is loud, smelly (piss and cigarettes but one is stale I forget which), and frankly feels like anxiety. It’s incredibly hard to drive as the streets were not made for cars. Cities are are densely populated which is one of the reasons for the traffic. While nyc does (or did) have a no honking law where you can get fined, people still don’t know how to drive. It’s also incredibly expensive. Not just Manhattan, but cities in general are expensive. You can buy literal castles for less than some shitty nyc apartment. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to handle the hustle and bustle of a city. I am not the kind of person who can handle things in a New York minute.

  3. I moved to a city and I’ll NEVER GO BACK

    Where do I even begin?

    Stores for everything all around you, need something right away? Just walk to a nearby store that has it, cities have stores for everything

    Most cities have Amazon warehouses that let you get things same day, I ordered curtains online and got them 2 hours later

    Everything open 24/7, I went and got a hamburger at 3 AM the other night and then went directly to an arcade afterwards, cities never sleep and it’s amazing

    Power NEVER goes out, we’ve had hurricane like storms here and power never even flickered

    Cities have some of the fastest internet connections, I got fiber here and pay the same as I did for worse internet when I lived in a small town

    Delivery delivery delivery, you can have everything delivered to you, food, clothing, items, doesn’t fucking matter just pay someone to go and get it for you

    Nightlife, clubs and bars and parties going 24/7, always new people to meet and places to go and things to do, cities are never boring, fun all the time

    Ubers/taxis everywhere at any time, can get a ride home at 4 AM or during a hurricane, someone will always come pick you up in a city

    Concerts and plays and conventions, everything always happens in a city there’s just so much shit to do, I’ll never go back to small town living.

  4. I was called to LEAVE a city.

    I hated where I lived. I dreamed of leaving that city my whole life.

    Last year, I finally saved enough money to leave. I moved to the first place that would give me a job – Chicago.

    I have no family here, no friends and absolutely no regrets. I am so completely happy that I left. Chicago is my home now and I never want to leave.

  5. I wish I had a “calling” to move to a particular city! I am not loving where I’m living now. I’ve lived in two other cities and I don’t see myself moving back to either one, at least not permanently. I have this very small desire to move to another province or the US within the next few years. Sometimes I toy with the idea of moving to Australia or another country on the other side of the world. I’m a super anxious person though so who knows if I’ll actually move again.

  6. Well not a city but the Hebrides calls to me, and I’m glad that other people feel called to places, a sense of deep belonging.

  7. Haven’t move there…yet. But there’s a city that the minute I got out of the car, I went “ah ok, I’m home now. I can relax. I can breathe” and cried when we had to leave(fuck my husband’s old boss!)

  8. No, I like the rural life. Although for a while I wanted to move to big city but after visiting for a few days realized I like the thought of living in the city more so than I would realistically enjoy living there permanently

  9. Pretty much, moved to LA specifically because this is where it feels like I belong. Big city but more laid back than NYC, tons of queer people and diversity, big hub of the video game industry (that I now work in).

    Coming up on 5 years here and still zero regrets. The summer heat kills me and I miss snow so much, but this still feels more like home than anywhere else ever has.

  10. No, but I’ve lived in several large cities over the years and hated it every time. The country is where I feel called to be and do actually belong.

  11. Yes! To get away from the small town i grew up. I needed to be physically away from it to grow as a person.

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