Hey guys i am a uncircumsied male. I clean my penis daily with water and rinse it off. i dont use soap due to the dehydration of the actual gland i use coconut oil aftewords, everything i pull back my penis i get this wouldnt say foul smell but not a smell i like coming from my penis i used to have smegma. I want to know if theres ways to improve my hygine/smell. I am worried a girl may be disgusted when giving oral.

  1. You should try a chemical-free soap and then moisturise afterwards. You need more than water to keep downstairs fresh

  2. Use gentle soap and dry thorough after the shower. I literally use a hair dryer on cool. The coconut oil I’ll moisturize but will probably make any smell worse.

    The truth is, penises will smell a little bit

  3. Don’t worry, it is 100% normal to be worried about dick smell when you’re not using soap to wash it.

  4. Soap is hella important. Bacteria is accumulating and trapped in the coconut oil. Use soap when you wash, it won’t dehydrate you and moisturizer won’t cause yeast if you wash a couple of times a day. Brush your teeth and wash your dick.

  5. firstly, definitely talk to a doctor about this, not the internet.

    that being said, and I am not a doctor, but do you pull back your foreskin when you wash your penis? if not then you need to be cleaning the outside of your penis then pulling the foreskin all the way back to wash the inside of the foreskin and the glans. you should use a small amount of mild soap, if the soap you have used in the past has been drying then try a different soap until you find one that works. you can try using just water sometimes and using soap only on certain days of the week. despite what other people are saying here, smegma should not ever be present, it is an indication of poor hygeine and can cause infections, it’s also possible that the coconut oil is building up and causing or contributing the odor and the buildup so I would also stop using that at least to see if that’s the problem. if you speak to a doctor, which you should, they can probably recommend an alternative to prevent your glans from getting too dry.

  6. i’d ditch the coconut oil, in my experience coconut oil smells rank after a while, and if you’re intact it’s probably just hanging around inside your foreskin

  7. (I’m F and don’t know all about penises) Coconut oil is (usually) comodegenic, which means it can plug up pores. Not all oils are like that, and comodegenic oils can still be used in some areas). I used to use coconut oil to moisturize my legs, and I had to start exfoliating because it was keeping too many skin cells attached to me. Idk if that gives you an idea about what the coconut oil might be doing. When you do use soap, rinse thoroughly, dry thoroughly, and then moisturize. Soap residue left on the skin will dry you out. I don’t think you should exfoliate your penis, idk if that’s a thing. Women do sometimes exfoliate their pubic area, but I’ve mainly read about that for smooth shaving.

  8. You have to use soap it’s non-negotiable. Get the dove sensitive kind and try some sensitive soaps until you find one that works. Ivory bars are good for sensitivity. But yes your dick and balls and taint smell awful unless you use soap on a regular basis.

  9. You gotta use soap!! Oil is horrible and will not wash away bacteria. You have to get the smegma out as well, as that’s a breeding ground for bacteria. If you can smell it, imagine someone down next to it! Please use soap!!!

  10. Coconut oil spoils… I used to put it in my hair and oh holy crap it stunk to high heaven a day or so later..

    Opt for a mild soap and pat dry. If you must use some kind of oil try an almond or jojoba.

    The possibility of coconut oil irritating your partners genitals is a factor as well. If you are washing and drying and using a skin friendly oil I’m sure it’s fine.

    I’m only mentioning drying because most people are unaware that moisture is a breeding grounds for bacteria even on the body. Pat, don’t rub! Rubbing can cause irritation.

  11. If you are worried, try mild soap like baby soap or heck! Go for a gentle, unscented feminine wash. I use that for my face too and everybody’s jelly about how I don’t have any pimples. It’s the secret holy grail of cleansing.

  12. Coconut oil spoils at body temp. If you’re using it nearly every day and not washing with soap, meaning you arent rinsing all the oil off which you cant with just water, you have stinking rancid oil smeared all over your genitals in ADDITION to how smelly it gets down there.

    Please take it from another uncircumcised man. You HAVE to thoroughly wash your penis with soap fully under the hood every single day. “Dehydration” is a silly excuse, you have sensitive skin on other parts of your body you wash. Find the right soap but please for the love of God wash your reeking dick.

  13. Yeah, soap is important. Use something gently like a dove bar. Not sure where people get this whole just use water thing, I’ve heard it before and honestly it’s a recipe for dick smells. Need soap to kill bacteria, bacteria can cause stink.

  14. simple question: How you you wash your armpits? Would they EVER smell good, if you only use a bit of water and rinse it off?

    Now think of your thing, your balls, your butthole. I still dont get, where this myth of soap beeing bad for anything comes from. Dont use a horrible one with a lot of parfume (AXE and stuff like that) and you will be fine your whole life.

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