I’m not talking those **long-ass, thick, wild** ones…

I’m talking about having enhanced fuller lashes (whether it be glue on or extensions)

  1. they’re fine.


    the big fake ones are sexy when i’m horny….stupid looking when i’m not XD

  2. I think eyelashes can look nice, but honestly I prefer a natural set of eyelashes then not. Eyeliner can make your eyes pop a bit if that’s what your going for.

  3. I can’t think of a time I was more attractive to a woman because of her eyelashes, false or not.

  4. I like them on dress up occasions were you go all out but not really a fan of them or heavy makeup on a daily use. That’s just my preference though.

  5. I like good eye lashes, but more importantly I like the way the eyes look when she is genuinely laughing and having fun.

  6. They’re rarely done well imo. Even when they are done well, and if the girl has no eyelashes underneath them then I *still* think she’s better without.

  7. The smaller ones are actually fine, but when the Tammy Faye Baker look comes into being, it starts to look like an unfinished make up job on a clown.

  8. If I saw that in a corporate environment I would think that woman doesn’t understand the conservative nature of corporate America. It would look silly. That sort of thing is for going out dancing, not the workplace.

  9. I don’t really notice eyelashes unless they are those really long ones, and those look dumb IMO.

  10. Long lashes are like long nails. Men usually don’t give a shit, even if they’re well done.

    It’s like asking if her choice of purse makes her more attractive.

  11. As a guy, this is not on the top 10 list of things we are looking at or paying attention to most days.

    Just saying.,, if it looks obviously fake, then we won’t like it.

    If you applying all this stuff makes us late for dinner, we like it even less,

    Do what you will with that information. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  12. Fake eyelashes are about the only fake thing i don’t mind on a woman as long as they LOOK natural… Most men want women to look as natural as possible, even if they aren’t, that goes for makeup as well, it’s best when it doesn’t look like you’re wearing it at all.

  13. Guys, at least most guys, don’t give a fig about your lashes. We know the fake ones are just kind of proof of shallowness and the longer they are, the less we assume your intellect is. That’s about it really. Same thing with nails. We either don’t care or we just find it ridiculous.

  14. If you’re spending time, money and effort on things I find useless and/ or contemptible, don’t come to me for any positivity.

  15. If I notice they are fake, they are not nicely done.

    If I don’t notice, they don’t matter.

  16. I like it i think they look pretty if a woman didn’t have them it wouldn’t bother me either though. Girl I’ve been dating does her nails and gets her lashes done I like it I think it shows that she takes care of herself.

  17. I feel like the more makeup and accessories she puts on the more she is subscribing to the paper bag theory of good looks. Because everyone is good looking with a paper bag over their face if they have a good body.

  18. I’ve never put any thought into lashes, but in my personal opinion, if you’re doing fake lashes and spending money on such a tiny little detail because you aren’t happy with them how they are, its a little too much for me haha I know lots of women do it, but I just like more down to earth tom boy type women who don’t do fake anything

  19. No positive impact on my opinion and only risks a negative opinion. All risk, no reward if your doing to be attractive for men.

  20. They look nice if you are dressing up to go out, but for day to day wear, it’s a bit much.

  21. I don’t really care about women’s eyelashes. I get the appeal of them but that’s just not my thing.

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