What have you done to make a a girl uncomfortable without realizing until now?

  1. The aura of my sexual potency can be overwhelming. I have to go to extra lengths to avoid giving chics the wrong idea. Mostly I like women as friends but I think a lot of them cannot bear the disappointment that I don’t put move on them

  2. You guys already asked this question 5 seconds ago lol and its a loaded question anyways you might as well name the thread “bitch about girls who turned you down” whats with this sub it used to be so much better

  3. I’ve been existing as a man, which is enough to trigger some chicks with too much hair die and not enough common sense

  4. Telling military stories. I never thought anything of it but apparently made her uncomfortable. Eh

  5. Mixed colors with whites in washing machine.

    …and then had sex with her mom. Man, she was pretty miffed about the laundry, though!

  6. Now that I realized it, I was in a car once with some women and I think I got a bit too carried away with talking about conspiracy theories which annoyed them and likely made them uncomfortable.

  7. Casually looking at my phone while facing her a few feet away. She thought I was taking pictures of her.

  8. Made my feelings known, she got so uncomfortable she immediately started dating the class meth head that likes to slap women, for years.

  9. Existed.

    But for real, I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum with Asperger’s, so it’s hard for me to really judge accordingly.

  10. Girl I worked with, I’d ask how her brother was doing periodically and didn’t realize they had a bit of a strained relationship

  11. When I am riding my bicycle, my eyes get watery and with my contacts, the image gets a bit blurry. After being scolded that I did not say hi when passing someone, I now take an extra look at the people I pass. This is making some women uncomfortable. I can understand that, but if you do or don’t, it is never correct.

  12. Telling her how i felt after she asked how i felt about something. Somehow that was the wrong course of action.

  13. I was at a networking event and talking to this woman, just kind of “why are you here” kind of bullshit when it suddenly dawned on me that because of the position of the tables, I had basically trapped her in a corner. Definitely made her uncomfortable and I was too awkward to acknowledge that I had done that, which would have made it marginally less awkward.

    Shit, sorry random stranger.

  14. Making really dark jokes. I don’t tell jokes at all to anyone unless I know them really well. People that don’t know me think I’m really strict, serious and boring, barely talk. I will slowly slip light jokes to test the reactions and they get worse until I learn the persons limit. I had to learn that after making a joke that made a girl cry, I had just met her that day and didn’t know she had a lot of mental health issues.

  15. Called her “boss lady”.

    called the men “boss man” and the women “boss lady” everyone else was fine and that’s just how we respected authority where I’m from, but she felt insecure and couldn’t take seriously that I considered her an authority

  16. Basically existing. Even if I was just eating lunch, falling in line for the register, walking towards home, waiting for public transport, waiting for someone else, ordering food, and many more. Most of the time I just keep to myself and hope to God my mere presence does not disturb anyone. It has worsen where I just go out when absolutely needed.

  17. I used to be the “where’s my hug” guy. I foolishly thought it was a way to express affection. I only found out online that those guys are considered creeps. It made me so paranoid that I did a hard 180 and now hugs terrify the ever loving s**t out of me. I feel like each and every time I hug someone I’m doing something wrong.

  18. I’m very very very blunt and approach without giving many fucks and very strongly. I learned I must approach then like I’m hunting a deer and watch my words

  19. Picking them up in a bear hug without their consent. I’m sure some didn’t mind but others probably did.

    My bad.

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