So me and my wife have been using condoms for the past six months. It sucks being faithfully married and having to do so but she didn’t like what birth control was doing to her and I haven’t taken a vasectomy serious till recently.

Long story short last night we had sex without a condom and it was like losing my virginity and experiencing a wet vagina for the first time. I can usually go until she cums two or three times but after about 10 minutes there was nothing I could do anymore.

I understand not all sex is gonna be this intimate and pleasurable but is there anything anyone can recommend to get this feeling every so often without using condoms for six months?

We finally tried anal a few weeks ago and she got used to it and finished for me but I’m on the larger side and she didn’t like how large I was and how long it took to get her warmed up even using a lot of lube.

  1. If you are not dead set against the possibility of pregnancy, but just aren’t actively trying to get pregnant then some people claim success with the “fertility awareness method” (sometimes called natural family planning, but there are differences between them) where she tracks her basal body temperature closely to determine when she is and isn’t ovulating. The idea is predicting when it’s safe to have sex without a condom and then use condoms the rest of the time.

    It can be kind of polarizing in discussions, but if you’re in a stable marriage, can be on point with the details, and pregnancy isn’t the end of the world for you then it could be a way to have your cake and eat it too from time to time. It can also be a great way to learn more about her cycle.

  2. I deposited some semen at a sperm bank and then had a vasectomy. Best decision I ever made.

  3. For me and my wife vasectomy was the best choice. We had a plan in mind that after our second kid we would look into it.
    She had an IUD for a while, and we used diaphragms at other times. Those options worked well for a while until we were ready for vasectomy.

    In regards to anal, it may be helpful for her to bring herself to orgasm with a toy while you are in her. Could help her enjoy it more

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