There’s this girl who talks a lot with me when we’re together (almost nonstop), but I feel like I don’t contribute the same amount, even though I want to. I feel like I don’t have anything to bring up during the conversation while she does all the talking. I don’t want her to eventually get tired of me just listening. How can I fix it?

  1. Ask questions about what she is talking about or find anyway to relate what she says to you. Ex. “I took my dog to the vet this week” –“What kind of dog? I’ve always wanted one”

  2. She won’t get tired of talking, she wants to be listened to. Just be there in the moment and actively listen, don’t get caught up thinking about what to say next.

  3. Google “oblivion NPC”

    Watch some YouTube videos, and however they talk, imitate it as best you can

  4. women generally like to talk a lot, it’s not as much in mens nature, there is nothing wrong with not talking a lot if she likes to fill the space, just be you and be fine with it… If there was a problem with the dynamic, she wouldn’t hang with you…

    One thing though that you should think about is do you personally have anything in common with her if you have nothing to say or do you just not feel like saying things…
    It’s fine to not have anything to say, but if you don’t have anything in common, that’s a problem. Remember that everything becomes more of a problem when you get in a relationship so you might get tired of her endless talking if the content doesn’t interest you.

  5. People who talk a lot usually don’t mind it if they do most of the talking. As long as you pay attention and do actually say something when you know what you want to say. After all, the wise man speaks because he has something to say, the fool speaks because he has to say something.

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