What is your worst fear the older you get?

  1. I worry about my loved ones, especially my parents. When I was younger it just felt like everyone was invincible, but after losing a few close friends I really fear another dreaded call. I’m definitely the “text me when you get home, I mean it” friend.

  2. That my body will grow weaker despite working out and staying adventurous and I won’t be able to explore the world with as much ease as I’ve grown accustomed to expect

  3. Not being able to function like I used to. It’s very sad that some old people even grieve this.

  4. I work in a nursing home so growing old with no friends and family to visit me. It happens all the time

  5. I have a chronic illness that when it flares leaves me weak and debilitated. I worry about how I’ll cope when I’m alone, older and slower and just can’t take the pain anymore.

  6. My mental health deteriorating. I know it happens to everyone but I’m absolutely terrified of not being able to trust my mind to look out for me or the world around me.

  7. Being treated by a robot or an underpaid foreign woman trying to feed her family at home hating me because I shat myself again.

  8. 1) Climate change
    2) Dying before my son is an adult

    My parents were 33 years older than I am, and they have both passed (my mom when I was just 25). I am 38 years older than my son and I have a massive history of heart disease in my family, so I take care of myself but I still worry (my fellow Gen-Xer Luke Perry dying of a stroke at just 52).

    Unchecked climate change wakes me up in the middle of the night.

  9. I’m really worried about losing my older relatives. I’ve been so lucky thus far, but every year that passes worries me.

    Also, I’m worried about not being about to have a baby because I’ll be in my late 30s when I start trying.

  10. Never finding a husband, the fucked up state of how things are, politics, the dating scene, I could go on

    Getting sick and getting old is also on the list

  11. Losing my independence. I am a little over 50, divorced for 23 years with no SO. Also, super active, and now that my kids are busy with their own families I solo travel several times a year. Losing this level of freedom and independence would be soul-crushing.

  12. It might sound stupid, but never finding the love of my life. I’m 31, and these upcoming 10 years are going to be the most nervous time in my life. I feel this pressure to be as lucky in love as other women around me. In case I fail, in 10 years other women, including my close friends and myself, will think I’m a loser and pity me.

    (Considering how rarely I like someone and feel emotional connection, it’s all complicated)

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