I’m in a relationship where my partner and I have a really strong emotional connection. She is however sexually inactive and I feel deprived of physical intimacy. Does this mean we are incompatible or should I not give up everything we have because of this issue? It’s a little embarrassing and I don’t know what to do. We’re lesbians btw🏳️‍🌈
(And yes, I’ve brought it up before and we talked about it but it’s more of a personality thing than it is about feelings)

1 comment
  1. The thing about emotions is that they are dumb. How we feel isn’t necessarily what is best for us, for example many people feel emotionally attached to abusive partners and the like, it’s tough. But having emotional intelligence is being able to recognise when you’re feelings aren’t really serving you, being physically intimate is important to most people and clearly is for you, if your relationship isn’t meeting your needs then unfortunately it’s time to either see if that can be addressed or leave and find somebody who can actually give you the relationship you want.

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