What person destroyed their entire life by making one simple mistake?

  1. If Eddie Van Halen hadn’t smoked for 50 years he probably wouldn’t had died at age 65. Sammy Hagar said that the cigarettes smoke was so thick in the studio, that when he would get home he would have to strip off all his clothes at the front door and take a shower before doing anything else.

  2. Can’t remember her name, but the woman who tweeted about not getting AIDS on her trip to Africa. Her life was destroyed before the plane touched down.

  3. A coworker, who had been sober for years thought he could have one beer. Just a few weeks later, his wife had moved out, he lost his job, she took the kids, and it wasn’t long after that he lost the house…

  4. John Favara decided to drive drunk and ended up hitting and killing John Gotti’s 12 year old son. Then, he never apologized and blamed the kid and was generally an asshole about it. Soon enough, he disappeared. Legend has it that he was dismembered with a chainsaw and dissolved in acid.

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