I understand that being impatient seems needy but it’s so exhausting to try to manipulate the woman into being more excited to get my text, and i frankly would just forget about it and blow it off.

I also don’t want to be naive so I need your help 🤷

  1. You can text whenever you want provided you follow two rules:

    1. Don’t text while you’re standing in front of me. I’ve seen a lot of guys do this to make sure I didn’t give them a fake number. It’s creepy. Unless I ask you to text me right away so I can save your number too, wait until you and I are no longer in the same place before you text me.
    2. Don’t text me something dry. If you’re gonna send a dry text like “Hi”, “What’s up?”, etc then wait however long it takes for you to have something interesting to talk about with me. Don’t waste my time with some ongoing series of bland pleasantries that give me no specific information about you or why you’re texting me in the first place.

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