How many really close friends do you have ? Those to whom you would entrust everything

  1. Issues I’m having now need to borrow some money and don’t have anyone to call. Shit be depressing

  2. Do my dogs count? If not, 0. Maybe until I start using ChatGPT. Although I can’t bring myself to trust it.

  3. 0 (im a woman)

    im just sharing my perspective that its not just men this can happen to. maybe it can make a couple of you feel better about yourselves.

  4. 0. I have great friends and a good network, but I don’t have anyone that’ll give up everything in a heartbeat to aid me. I can’t trust anything to them.

    I’m the only one who’s been homeless, depressed, stressed out, having regular panic attacks, being single, attempted suicide and having been attacked with knives and guns. I’m positive that if I end up in a hospital no one will come. I’m also fairly certain that if one of them ends up in a hospital then all the others will be there (me included, of course).

  5. 4. I’ve known them for at least the past 15 years. I’d undoubtedly put my life in their hands.

  6. 3 but to be honest, I don’t trust anyone with everything. The way I do things, they each know separate stuff about me. The stuff that they’ve shown they can handle but neither of them knows everything.

  7. My man would die for if needed but I can’t entrust him anything especially a secret.

    He can’t keep anything to himself even his out shit.

    That being said, I do have a few friends that are not as close as him but I can entrust them with almost everything

  8. Zero. Entrusting information about yourself to someone is setting yourself up for that information being exposed. Your best buddy may not remain your best buddy. Knowing entrusted information is setting yourself up for a moral dilemma and/or castigation from friends/aquaintances.

  9. Five. There are more, but five at the core. I had to put my life in their hands. I’m still here.

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