I was corresponding with a girl I love, and she suddenly disappeared. What happened?

  1. Who knows? People on the Internet can only guess unless they know more of the story..

  2. You may have stolen her heart but that didnt stop the aliens from taking her other organs

    Abduction is a serious thing

  3. Ghosting sucks, but that’s dating. I always just assume they met the love of their life and move on.

  4. Maybe you woke up and forgot it was a dream.

    It jokes aside, it could be anything. Maybe she didn’t love you too, maybe she found someone else, maybe she isn’t single, maybe maybe maybe…

  5. It’s called “ghosting.” It’s fairly common. No point in spending time trying to figure it out, because without her input you’re never going to be able to know what you did wrong.

    This is especially true because it’s a very real and likely possibility that she just decided she doesn’t want a boyfriend right now… or that she just met some other dude.

    People that ghost people are shit. Count your blessings and move on.

  6. In the same boat bro. Was chatting with a girl I fancied months ago. Then she fell off the face of the Earth and I never heard from her again.

    Maybe she’s just ghosting you/blocked you. It very much hurts, but you gotta move on. If she misses you, she’ll reach out to you

  7. bored with you. something better came along, drowned in a pond. Who cares? There are 4 billionish women on the planet.

  8. Might have got bored of you, chicks do that all the time and just leave without saying anything

  9. She wasn’t at the same place that you were. Corresponding can feel surreal, maybe it started to get real and she really didn’t want that at this point.

  10. Whatever her reason might be.. I can’t think of one that would excuse it. It’s a complete disregard for your feelings.. and it’s immature. Unless she had an accident.. (which is unlikely).. you’re going to be better off without her. As much as it sucks.

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