Randomly texted I hate you and I have a new dude in my bed…
Also before that, told me they had been asking around if I’m seeing any women

What would y’all think if this happened? What would you do? Is there any coming back from it?

  1. Nothing, because its not my girl. Its just a woman i value as a friend. She can suck a million and one cocks and it would not change the price of rice in China, we have no relationship so therefore her point would have absolutely no real shock value in my life.

  2. >I hate you

    does anything else need to be said?


    >I have a new dude in my bed

    really? is he still in the shrinkwrap?

  3. More confused than anything, probably just wonder if her new boyfriend got her phone and thought I was her ex or something.

  4. In person? Directed at me?

    I’d think she had a fucking stroke.

    >What would you do?

    I’d ask her what year it was, who the president was, and what my name was.

    >Is there any coming back from it?

    Honestly, even if you get medical attention in time, a stroke is pretty serious and can have drastic impact on quality of life and remaining lifespan.

  5. It sounds like some important info is missing.

    Do you like her and tried getting with her but pissed her off in some way and now she trying to get back at you by purposely telling you she’s fucking some random guy emphasizing it isn’t you?

    Does she like you and she’s pissed you rejected her so now she’s fucking someone else and feels the need to tell you that you “lost the chance to fuck her”?

    3rd possibility… you are very confused and for whatever reason she texted you by accident.

    Either way, shes not your girl so this whole thing is a waste of time.

  6. If she was a friend? Or a FWB?

    Just a friend: In her mind she gave you a bunch of signals you ignored. She got frustrated and now being vindictive. OR she mistexted.

    FWB: You done messed up somewhere.

  7. I would say, don’t be in the friend zone in the first place. Guys can’t just be friends with a girl, girls know this and they keep you around as a fall back for when they can’t get better. Women do this all the time, they sleep around in their 20’s which is their best years to find someone long term, then they hit the wall at 30 end up bitter and alone, and you don’t want them “settling” for you as the backup, they will just make you miserable that you aren’t the best she’s ever been with.

  8. >Randomly texted

    Usually my first response would to confirm that the text wasn’t sent by mistake. However, after reading this…

    >Also before that, told me they had been asking around if I’m seeing any women

    I’d probably put two and two together and realise that this is was done purposefully.

    In my experience, a woman typically asks if you’re seeing any other women if she’s interested in you herself, most of the time.

    >I hate you and I have a new dude in my bed

    Are you ‘friends with benefits’? If not then this is probably the most childish way to get a guy to chase you. Telling a lie to try and stoke his jealousy? Are we in high school?

    >What would y’all think if this happened?

    She wants me in the most toxic way possible.

    >What would you do?

    Thumbs up emoji or I wouldn’t respond for as long as it takes until she says what she actually wants like a mature person would.

    >Is there any coming back from it?

    What exactly are you worried about? It’s a shitty shit test. If y’all were just friends with benefits or not you should be concerned about her catching feelings for you unless of course you have feelings for her.

  9. My women friends and friendly acquaintances all (should) know that I’m not interested in bedroom things with any of them; that said, this would be an incredibly disrespectful thing to say to anyone, so even if it was meant for someone else, it’s going to go down like a lead balloon.

  10. Presume they texted the wrong person and think nothing more about it. Good on them for getting laid.

  11. Why would you want to come back from that with her? She said she hates you and sounds kinda crazy. checking if you’re with any women then throwing the I have a dude in my bed in your face to what? Make you jealous and get a reaction? If she likes you she should ask you out and if not then she should just stop talking to you. Either way she sounds fucked and I’d just delete her number.

  12. 1. She’d no longer be my “friend”.

    2. No comment because I wouldn’t deal with her anymore. If anyone had any questions for why I’d show the text.

    3. Valuable information is missing here on how we got to this point.

  13. I’d think “former friend”.

    I prefer to surround myself with people who keep their feelings in check better her.

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