would it make you feel like you are not doing enough/make you insecure or resentful?

  1. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. So long as everyone is consenting and having a good time then what’s the problem? I’m not going to feel offended if he wants some extra sensations during the act. It is supposed to fun, after all.

  2. I’m into it. Gods know that I like my own vibrators enough to want to share the love. I don’t see sex toys as a big deal in any way.

  3. Id love it! Ive bought him plenty of toys so that he can enjoy his time with and without me 🙂

  4. As long as it’s not a dildo lol… sorry, I prefer a real one. Everything else is pretty much open to play with….

  5. Depends.. like a pocket pussy would probably hurt my feelings a bit cause why can’t he just do that to me? But we’ve used all other toys before and it’s been super fun and I liked watching him enjoy himself. He doesn’t own one or have a desire as far as I know which works for us but yeah, that one would def throw me off and make me self conscious.

  6. Honestly it be hot. Please let this post be a sign for something in the future lollll.

  7. Yey! fun!
    We both like toys, me more than him. But it’s just extra spice in the relationship.

  8. I love it! We have a “Sex Chest” and we are team toys. Sex toys are a tool not a threat (at least to me, I know everyone has different boundaries)

  9. Id do it to please him here and there. But it wouldn’t do a thing for me. I just like the real thing. But I’d be willing to entertain his fantasy once in a while

  10. If it had to be every single time, it would get kinda old for me personally to be honest depending on the toy. Simply because I wouldn’t get as much physical or mental stimulation that I prefer. But if my partner enjoys it I would absolutely throw it in often.

  11. no i’d totally be into it. my partner has bought all of my toys that we own, if he wanted to try them too i’d definitely be down to explore with him!

  12. Seriously, I am a sex toy slinger. This fear that toys will somehow replace the partner is nuts. Toys, they are for fun. They are meant to be shared. I saw another thread where a person said it best: “Being worried about a sex toys replacing the partner is like saying I’ll never have Pizza because it might replace my love of ice cream.”

    I sell many couples toys that have something special for everyone. Seriously, they enhance the experience for both partners, same or opposite gender. Enjoy! Have fun!

    Having said all of that, communication and consent come first.

  13. The first step of becoming a man is to acknowledge that toys are not your enemy, but your friend.

  14. I’m totally okay with her using a wand on herself while I’m doing what I’m doing. I’m not so insecure I’ll feel upstaged by a hand massager or dildo. More often than not, I’m using a toy on her, so what’s the difference?

  15. I want to use toys with my gf on myself in the bedroom (I want her to peg me) but waaaayyyyy too terrified/embarrassed to ask or bring it up 😔

  16. I don’t think my ex ever realised I did this because he was terrible in bed.

    It would probably go one of two ways.
    They know they aren’t adequate.
    They see it as a way to spice it up.

    Or for an extra
    Probably get mad.

  17. majority of them would be fun! but like, if he whipped out a sex doll i probably just wouldn’t be interested in that.

  18. I wouldn’t be unsecure or jealous but I would sorta feel like why am I here? Do this when you masturbate. It wouldn’t do anything for me.

  19. Give ‘er, do whatever feels good; you only have one life to live; might as well live it to the fullest and leave no stone unturned.

  20. Babe I wanted to share this toy with you for such a long time, now turn around…..pulls out a bad dragon 😲

  21. When I was as vanilla and prude as they come, an ex said he wanted to do exactly that. I loved him and was glad he felt comfortable enough to talk to me about that, and was happy that he wanted to include me instead of cut me out, so we went to a sex shop together (I was probably beet red the whole time; only time I’ve been to one) and he picked out what he wanted. Later I pegged him. it was interesting lol but it really enhanced our communication and bond.

  22. Pretty stoked. Especially if he would finally agree to wear my lingerie at the same time

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