So the title says it all… I’m young and naive so what signs should I look out for?

Edit to clarify:
I know we’re both young. By « more experienced » i mean he’s had sex and i haven’t

  1. Diseases and amount of partners hes had most likely to him at this age you are a notch on his belt

  2. Hint: he’s young and clueless too

    21yo is not really what anyone would call older and experienced

  3. I wouldn’t consider him that much older. I’d treat him the same way you’d treat a guy your age. Try to build trust with him. If something he does makes you feel uncomfortable, speak up. See if he’s interested in you/your life/getting to meet your friends/etc or if he just seems interested in getting sex. Manipulation can be difficult to spot but don’t assume he’s some sort of predator if he hasn’t done anything to make you think that. He’s probably just a typical 21 year old and they’re not that old, mature or experienced at anything.

  4. 3 years older is not experienced 😅.. my husband is 3 years older then me and acts like a child he’s 43 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. The one thing I would say is if he tries to pull some kind of “you’re too immature, I’m so much older and wiser” to try and make you do things you’re uncomfortable with, or if you object to his behavior, etc. I had a shitty ex from college do that to try and get his own way on things. Now that I’m actually older and wiser, I realize he was just as immature as I was, if not even less mature than me.

  6. Manipulation, lying, and controlling/abusive tendencies. Just like any other guy you would date. And don’t be afraid to say no.

  7. Bro…. He is basically almost the same age as you…
    If he was like 30+ I would tell you sure but you are in the same boat .
    Just be aware of things they want from you like is it only sex . Or is this long term .

  8. First of all, the age difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old is nothing. What makes you think this guy is more experienced!?!? Sure, he may be more sexually experienced than you but the rest of it…he’s in the same boat as you. I say go with the flow and if you spot any red flags, then end it. It’s as simple as that.

  9. At 21 hes for sure young af and dumb af too. Dont worry lol

    Wear condoms make sure hes being respectful

  10. Just because someone has had sex doesn’t mean they are necessarily great at it.

    Secondly, most people *make adjustments* to their “go to moves” based upon what their partner likes. For those who have had sex they tend make it part of their dating process.

    You should only have sex because *you want to* and without any hidden agendas.

    When two consenting adults have sex no one should walk away feeling *used*.

    Last but not least most people’s first-time having sex isn’t *the best sex* they’ll ever have.

    The more experience you have the more you discover what *you* like sexually.

    Very rarely is anyone’s “first lover” their last lover.

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  11. Hmm just the usual you should look out for in a new relationship I guess? Make sure he doesn’t manipulate in doing anything you’re uncomfortable with.

    My first boyfriend always tried to pressure me in doing anal with him, I absolutely refused because I didn’t feel ready. As a christmas gift he gave me a condom meant for anal sex. Like… dude, I’ve said no 50 times already.
    He always tried to get me to send nudes, which I hated because I just wasn’t comfortable with it.

    I was so relieved once we ended things.

    Just write down a list for yourself of things that are boundaries for you? Things like cheating, manipulation, gaslighting, stealing, idk just think about it and write it down for yourself.

    Every once in a while revisit that list, and if you’re dating a good guy you can be relieved that none of those boundaries are crossed.

  12. He has seen a lil more life than you now it depends if he’s a good person he would help you to get through certain problems and be matured but on other hand they are guys who are 21 and just want to manipulate and have fun for sometime so he may act very much mature at first and be a kind of guy who’ve wanted to be with and then after sometime may show his true colors so be cautious

  13. Set your boundaries on how far you are willing to go. That may and probably will over time but just because he has and you have not does NOT mean you are entitled to. He likes you, he will wait until you are 100% ready.

  14. 21 is not older and more experienced. He’s still a noob, too. Watch some videos about what you want to do to him and rock his world.

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