So I love women. Don’t get me wrong lol. but recently I have noticed that a lot of girls can be quite rude haha.

At the pub earlier this blonde chick (lets call her Sassy) who is part of my friend group arrives. I only met her for the first time last weekend, (I assume she remembered me I was sitting at the same table the whole night) Im standing at the bar with a female friend of mine and Sassy says hello to her, I casually go “Hey, how’s your day been?”. She pauses and pulls a weird facial expression, and says “I’m sorry but did you just ask me how my day was?” she said this in quite a mean way. I camly replied “Yeh. What?” and she just went “Oh… Okay” and started talking to my female friend.


People have told me that I am approachable and have a friendly face. And the last time I saw her she was nice to me and smiled often. So confusing lol.

  1. I had a girl sit next to me at a sporting event and then tell me she didn’t appreciate that I was in her space and she would love just one day without being harassed. I *did* dare to nod at her when she sat down so I can see how she would feel unsafe. My wife, who was there with me (on the other side of me) would agree, I was all up in this girls grill. /s

    Another time I asked a girl in our friend group (who knew my girlfriend at the time) where she got her boots because I wanted to get some for my girlfriend. She wasn’t directly rude, but about 15 minutes later one of the other girls came up to me asking why I was hitting on the boots girl.

  2. Stuckup and rude seems to be all the rage with women. It’s happened so often i can’t keep them straight.

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